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D. L. Hot-Flamethrower

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Everything posted by D. L. Hot-Flamethrower

  1. clichés...clichés...clichés...they all use them!
  2. Its hard to imagine Rivers not playing in a game of this magnitude. Bigger issue is if the 49ers show up.
  3. If only I'd known when I was 25 what I know now! Easy to say at his point in life.
  4. For sure. I remember Peter King telling the story about riding to practice with Parcells early in the am for an article when they were both a lot younger. He said Bill bought every paper and read everything about the team. He then threatened the then young reporter telling him if he told anyone he looked at the stuff it would be his last interview!
  5. I have felt all along that Harbaugh would end up at Michigan in the end. It just makes too much sense with him being a Michigan man, and the program in need of an architect. Oakland is the other option I suppose, for more money and control.
  6. It does seem like Media types don't care for Marrone. He's not an ass-kisser, more like a Parcells/Belichik approach to the media. The media started treating both those guys differently after they won.In Buffalo I wonder if Marrone would get the same treatment.
  7. Its mid week and all the people who are scared because the Bills are winning, but not the way they want, and that Marrone won't get fired, are out in full force after a couple days of licking their wounds. You are completely correct in you assessment. I contend that the Bills have improved both defensively and on special teams enormously since Marrone got here. The notion that he gets little or no credit for that is laughable. The chef doesn't always cook the meal himself. Further, this causation/correlation stuff that was brought up works both ways. You want to say all the offensive problems can be traced back to Marrone via Hackett. Then all the defensive and special teams successes he gets full credit for too. Can't have it both ways boys. I agree correlation doesn't equal causation. Lack of objectivity leads to hypocrisy.
  8. Been away for a few hours. This topic has gone haywire since earlier today. Thanks for providing some reason.
  9. Trestman might be the best thing to happen to EJ-as an OC
  10. This is true. Maybe getting Hackett some help is the answer. Tweaking the problem, rather than blowing it up is a better approach.
  11. Bottom line: When a team hires a coach and they go from perennially 6-10 to where we are now in 2 years, he is not fired. Short of beating his wife or something totally illegal.
  12. Look I don't want to be contentious. I just have one word-Objectivity.
  13. Not you again. These last few days must be killing you. As to expectations, ever hear of process? Ups and Downs? Expecting outhouse to the penthouse is a bit much.
  14. Come on! This is old college basketball coach argument. He only wins because of his players. Well who gets the players? When you win you win as a team and organization. The coach is perhaps more important to the success of the team than anyone. Therefore, he to gets credit for his hires and decisions.
  15. Absolutely true! It was like he threw out an ambush question to stun the marketing guy. And, then was condescending in response. I forget who said, "you can always tell charlatan because he doesn't give you one good reason, he gives you several". I'm surprised in a addition to questioning his fourth down decisions, he didn't throw in he has bad breath, kicks the dog and says obviously too much.
  16. Thanks. Not nearly as contentious as I thought. One pretty awkward moment and the way It was handled by Simon was pretty lame.
  17. Espn Chicago is not the best source for whether Mark Trestman is a quality offensive coach. As a matter of fact, going into the season there where plenty who thought offense would carry the team in Chicago and be one of the best in the NFL. I don't know him, but I do know that plenty of people who know the game think highly of him. Cutler is the biggest problem in Chicago. An NFL exec," Mark Trestman is a QB whisperer, if he can't help Cutler, it's never going to happen, he's a coach killer".
  18. I don't live where I can get WGR, from the sound of things that is not a big loss. The Buffalo media seems to have more than their share of d-bags. I don't see how at this point the Head Coach can even be in question as to his return. The team is building and mistakes will be made. Making a change, 2 years into a program, that has shown progress in many ways, is just plain ludicrous.
  19. Rich Gannon said the same thing about Cutler on NFL Radio today. He said he was called in to work with Cutler by Trestman in the offseason. Stated he likes Cutler's talent ,but said he saw enough of the other side of the story that people talk about with Cutler. Biggest thing he said was he thinks anybody trying to change this guy is whistling out his ass-exact quote.
  20. Great! we need an innovative offensive coordinator next season.
  21. I mean we drafted three guys who were all prospects. We brought in a FA. We had 4 returning guys who were good enough to run with last year. Chris Hairston is back and was serviceable. We had all these JJ Unga type guys that we loved at one time and then cut them because we had better guys. Jeez all I see is that we added talent to a decent line and then regressed! Who's fault is that?
  22. I never hear anything about the O-line coach. Is he immune to criticism? He doesn't appear to be getting the job done!
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