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Everything posted by thronethinker

  1. So who is worried about the Texans now?
  2. Every team has faults, none are perfect. There is no reason why Bills cant be the one..
  3. It is not the official award. That is handed out in February.
  4. The Pro Bowl is a popularity contest, so in that regard I could care less. I am sure the players appreciate the recognition, but playing in the Pro Bowl means you re not in the Super Bowl and that the ultimate goal.
  5. Urinating in the sinks used to be a tradition at Rich Stadium
  6. How do we know it was weed? Did it specify the substance? Possible he used PEDs to get healthy when he was hurt.
  7. But this team never should have let him clear waivers. Beane is an idiot. We could have had our guy. uh huh.
  8. You don’t go into the playoffs resting and losing, not if you want to win in the show.
  9. Three Games into The Toughest Stretch of Schedule and Bills have accomplished what many fans and most media said was unlikely, win against playoff teams. The Bills have won multiple road games against winning teams now. They took the Ravens and Pats down to the wire in a tough loss. They are nipping at the heels of the Patriots for the division. Regardless of how this season ultimately ends, this will undoubtably be the mark of when Buffalo Bills football became relevant for the foreseeable future. The best part is they built a winner in a manner that will not have to be broken down to save the Cap in a year or two. The future is looking very bright now.
  10. The Collingsworth Hate goes back to the 90s when he first started announcing. On one of his first Bills games he made some obvious anti Bills comments and the fans lashed out against him. It got back to him the next time he called a Bills game he even mentioned it. I cannot remember the exact games, but that is the foundation of the whole thing.
  11. Remember when the 90’s Bills could score 2 TDS in 2 minutes. We were spoiled back then.
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