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Everything posted by thronethinker

  1. Likely on the practice squad till someone gets hurt.
  2. Has there been any comment from Diggs on coming to the Bills?
  3. Ya not a fan of him personally either, but his shows are great. Mainly because they completely make fun of everyone and mostly himself. He knows how to produce an entertaining show that mocks everyone politically and socially.
  4. They seem to do a new run every 2-3 years now. I think there has only been 2 new seasons the last 5 years.
  5. If you're looking for a good laugh and have HBO, check out the latest episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm "The Ugly Section". Lots of fun poking at The Jets and the torture of their fans. Sad part is I can relate.
  6. I’m really firm in my belief that Brady staying is the best scenario for Bills. He’s washed up and will drain funds. Last thing we want is a younger vet like Tannehill going in there.
  7. I liked the breasts and ass show of this years Super Bowl. What I disliked is the music. So give me a AC DC, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Def Leppard, etc.. show with a bunch of pole dancers and breasts and ass play then I will enjoy it . So we had a show based on South Fl. OK great, a market that doesnt even support the team. South Fl is not an NFL market, most of the Dolphins fans are based on the West Coast or north of Miami . Not Miami itself. Why? Because non english speaking residents dont care about the NFL. Call this racist all you want, but it is facts...
  8. And Vegas odds are based on peoples betting tendencies, not actual reality. Odds are based on making money vs betting tendencies, so if Vegas thinks only 1 in 35 people will bet the Bills, then there you go. Vegas is about making money on odds today... not tomorrow.. and not 9 months from now . The odds will change based on betting tendencies, that is all.
  9. Winning the division next season has to be Goal 1. Every other team in the division has a rough schedule too. Honestly, bringing Brady back wont be a bad thing either, he will take away money from the team that other players could have been signed with. The longer Brady is in NE now, the more it will hurt them.
  10. As long as people pay to see the games and the League is making money, contacts will go up. The question is, how much more are you willing to spend to support the NFL?
  11. Ya no way I ever fork over the cash for that ticket.
  12. If they make it to Tampa I will be there regardless of if I have a ticket. I will still celebrate all weekend with the Mafia.
  13. Too bad SF left points on the field before the half.
  14. Yes we have, but I think Jimmy G was trying to throw it our of bounds, just didn’t have the strength to get it there.
  15. So strong run Game and D are beating a Finess team with a weak D. This has happened in nearly every Super Bowl ever.....
  16. Wow this is awful management here. You need every point and they are just leaving them out there. Could easily get in FG range had they used timeouts.
  17. It seems like the Championship games were like last year already. Teams generally come out flat in the Super Bowl and the rust takes a quarter, sometimes a half to wear off. Why the 2 week layoff between the games? Super Bowl 25 had only 1 week between Super Bowl and Championship games so its not like it hasn’t been done before. I just feel like my interest has really dropped off since I have no emotional attachment in the winner. Anyone else feeling this?
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