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Everything posted by thronethinker

  1. But what if the opposing CB has a black dad and white mom? What do we label them at that point? As long as we label people by color there will always be an issue of race.
  2. I say what if the team owner is a minority or a woman, they should get the 1st pick. Actually the next 3 first pics. Come on Kim, or is she not a minority since she is married to a white man? All of these rules of who is a minority or not gets confusing. What if you hire a black man from Africa? Hes not a minority there. Is he an African African, or an American African at that point? I dont get the lables. What if he moves back to Africa, is he now formerly an African African that was an American African? Can we just get past skin color and labels?
  3. ok, I appreciate your opinion. I agree that Reed was great, but I say replace Reed with Moulds in the SB Years, Moulds would be the better player.
  4. Speak for yourself, they have never found any evidence on me.
  5. I think Moulds was better than Reed, but Reed had the better career. Moulds would have been #1 had he played more years with Kelly and the Offense Reed was in.
  6. Just bought 3 for the Home Opener from Bills Ticket Site. They are guaranteed refundable if attendance is limited or restricted. I would not buy 3rd party now.
  7. I was a big fan of him when he was here, I pointed out to my Dolphins fan buddy how he would run over the opponents, and he did. Then he just went to hell in the offseason. I wish him well, but there is no room for him on this roster.
  8. The fans, because without us there is no mountain.
  9. I wonder how this would relate to recruiting by the Colleges. Do they really want athletes that are gonna leave after 1 year of Ball to enter the draft? Why spend all the time recruiting a player that is gonna up and leave after 1 season when there are likely many other recruits who would fill that position and be there 2-3 years longer. I could see the possibility of schools requiring commitments for minimum number of years.
  10. Ya, not sure I want to be there for 95 and humid. Maybe the new Cover would help, but its the humidity that sucks. I live in Fl so I really dont enjoy it more than I have to. Maybe I can get club Seats..:)
  11. I wish him well, was a good team player. He really faded at the end of the season, but may produce some early numbers for Jets.
  12. I foresee a concession that is selling pre packaged food and beverages only. Nothing that is open to contact or air. So sealed food and beverages, like water, soda pop, and possibly beer. No open air food at all, so popcorn sales, etc...forget it. It will be sealed foods like pre prepared pizzas or dogs. Nothing that has been exposed to open air after cooking.
  13. My main concern is special teams, hopefully they were addressed, but that will have to be seen.
  14. Shouldn’t all draft picks be based off of forsight?
  15. My recent dream included Skeletor from He Man, a zebra in Boston, and starting a backup in a playoff game.
  16. 2000 for sure. That D would have won the Super Bowl, but they blew it onj a ***** basic kickoff return.
  17. Not good for people that have to work on Saturday. I work Saturday and have Sun-M, T off. So now people have to change work plans too?
  18. Buffalo is as complete a team as any other in the NFL right now. The Super Bowl is not a myth at this point, it is a possibility. Start by winning the division, which almost every critic will agree is Buffalos to be had. Get homefield and a bye, and Buffalo is in position to make it to Tampa.
  19. I understand you view on it and don't necessarily disagree, but my thought is focus on the players overcoming of medical conditions. As it stands, by saying a person has drug addiction history presents a opportunity for social stigma. He overcame the obstacles, yes and that probably made him a better person, but saying his mother struggled paints her in a negative light while trying to promote him in a positive light. She may be the best person ever, did many great things, and had a crutch that many others suffer from too. Struggling with addiction doesn’t mean you are a bad person till you get over it, it just means you have a problem and in many cases you adapt to get through life with it. Hopefully one day you get through it as a better person, but that doesn't make you a bad person in between. It is still up to the individual to make that story. Either way it is personal medical information and shouldn’t be shared
  20. Indeed he did, and that speaks to his character. Did anyone ask his mother what she thought? It was her information they violated, not his.
  21. Way to go ESPN, one of the most important days in a persons life and your network tries to sensationalize it by posting medical information of a players mother. Drug addiction is a medical condition and by posting that information you have violated a persons personal medical history.
  22. It means that he was the go to playmaker and he made it happen when it mattered most. I watched him in the stands many times.
  23. A lot of the video feeds from the Players houses were delayed. Some of the feeds didn't show reactions for nearly 2 minutes after the pick was announced. Its not like they have a crew there sending a live feed with $200, 000 worth of studio gear.
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