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Everything posted by thronethinker

  1. Anyone else think there may be fines coming from the league? Grabbing a beer mid game? I mean I’m all for it, but the NFL…
  2. If the Ravens don’t pay him someone else will.
  3. Embarrassing, 2 throws all night, yet we run all day into their d for 1 yard
  4. Cant even stop clock because of ass clown calls
  5. When we get the ball back run it 3 times for 1 yard
  6. What in the actual hell was that
  7. There it Is!! Use your superstars
  8. Are we gonna let Josh try and win this or keep calling 2 yard runs?
  9. Pats gonna go for 2 aFTER THEY SCORE THE TD
  10. Our only chance Is Allen ball but we cant even do that
  11. Game is basically over now. Sweet cannot win basic football, this is just stupid bad
  12. Actually they said camera was removed because of the wind
  13. Ya lets use timeouts in the 3rd for wishywash plays
  14. This game is about over soon. Bills cant take any Fn chances.
  15. This game is basically come down to 2 pats so far.
  16. Next hit on Jones will be a Penalty guaranteed.
  17. NE jumps Bills dont have a delay
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