That pitch to Samuel was almost there. Good play by the Chiefs defender to make sure he didn't walk in.
Hey look. That was the worst half of football that we have played probably since that Houston game. We killed ourselves with missed opportunities, bad penalties, and an overall terrible scheme......
And we're a TD away from taking the lead.
Do I think we are going to win? No. We look completely outmatched on defense and our offensive line is having their worst game of the season. I don't think we are going to get enough stops on defense to be able to keep it close. But hey.....they have a chance to prove me wrong.
I think if we were all told we would score 16-17 points in the first half (over a 30 point pace) we would have probably taken it. But once again, against a team that hasn't scored over 30 all season, our defense just can't get off the field. It will be shocking to even see their punter in this game the way it is going. Going to be almost an impossible task to win this game, but hey.....hopefully we keep fighting back and find a way. But, it is clear who has the more talented roster and the better coaching staff and it isn't us.