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Everything posted by sven233

  1. On a side note.....how is a 400lb TE getting wide open on our D every play.......
  2. Yeah....Levitre better firm up....He has to play with better leverage than that or we are in trouble. Evans may have been open on that play, but there is no way Edwards could have thrown a goo ball with all that crap in his face...
  3. This is it......the 2009-2010 Season is moments away...... THIS GAME IS THE START OF SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL..... 2009-2010 IS OUR YEAR!!!! LET'S GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I actually expect a pretty conservative game plan tonight. While it is what they have been practicing, I am just not sure how they will approach the Preseason.....especially the first game. While I believe they should practice what they plan to run, coaches don't really think that way a lot of the time! Guess we will see!
  5. I know it is the weekend. I know I shouldn't want to rush it out of here, but man.....I need to get to the game! I'm watching the golf right now which is pretty good and looks like it will have a great finish, but I need my football! I can't wait! So many things to watch in tonight's game. I know I am probably one of the only ones that actually likes Preseason football, but it is even a little different this year. There are so many players (not just the Starters) that I want to see and study because I feel they could be good for us for a long time and I am really looking forward to it. Sure, it will probably be a sloppy game and most here probably will be wanting to turn it off come the 2nd Quarter, but I love this stuff. FOOTBALL SEASON IS FINALLY HERE!!!!! THIS IS OUR YEAR!!!!! LET'S GO BILLS!!!!!!
  6. "McCoverage" has been all over other message boards. Love the name, though. Really fits. Regardless of the name, I am confident they can get the job done. I can see some big plays against them, but they will make some of their own, though. All about the pass rush......
  7. AVERAGE..... I mean, they are not spectacular in any way. That is not to say they are bad by any means, but they are not going to be major contributors. That is not surprising at all. In fact, that is why Nelson was drafted in the first place. If you remember back to the TE position with Fine and Shouman last season, that is all you really need to know. Decent players will probably not drastically alter the outcome of a game. But, like I said, that is why Nelson was drafted, so we will have to see where this goes.
  8. Well, it seemed to be a mix to me. I watched Walker get beat badly once. Otherwise he seemed to be OK. While he is not fleet of foot, when he does get in position, he does force the DEs to make a decision as to what way they want to go....whether they want to continue around the outside or cut inside just because he is such a big man. However, the time he got beaten badly, it was a speed rush on the outside. Other than that particular play, I thought he was fine. Butler was average. I saw him get beat a couple of time....once outside and once inside. I am willing to cut him some slack since he is still getting re-adjusted to being on the outside, but he did get beat as well. As for the guards, they were beaten a couple of time, but mainly when blitzes were called. It looked to me that they missed their assignments a couple of time because they would take the DE cutting inside of the tackle and leave the blitzing LB or S free up the middle. It was more mental than anything else. One thing I did notice, however, was that there was little push in the run game from the G spots. I really think this is where guys like Wood and Levitre will help this line be better. I really hope the get into Camp soon because I just have no faith in the guys that are in there right now. They are just not good enough right now. Hope that helps.
  9. CJ Hawthorne was wearing #18. He did not participate due to injury.
  10. Hey everyone! Well, as always I attended the first day of Training Camp and I just thought I would share some thoughts and observations with you. Since it was the first day of Camp, I was not expecting a whole lot as usually they use the first day getting re-adjusted to football after being off for a while. Well, basically that is what happened. I wish I had something big and fantastic for everyone to chew on, but there were not really any major surprises. However, there were some interesting details that I thought I would mention. Now, you will probably get much of the same info from sports writers, but I thought I should mention a few things because sometimes the sportswriters have their own agenda: 1. Perhaps the most interesting thing I saw today was not really about any particular player, but rather about the operation of the offense in general. Even being the first set of practices of Camp, the Offense rarely, if ever, huddled at all! They pretty much ran the no huddle offense for every set of plays they ran in 7-7 and 11-11 drills. Hand signals and checks were used at the LOS all day to get player in the right play. While we all knew that the no huddle offense was going to be used somewhat this season, if today is any indication, it actually may be a bigger part of the offense than we all expected. It looked pretty good for the most part. 2. Of course, as expected, the story of the day was TO. He was the last player out of the locker room in the morning session and received a huge ovation from all in attendance as he took the field. All TV cameras were pointed in his direction all day and he did not disappoint in any way. He was very smooth in his route running and caught everything that came his way, including a 65 yard bomb on a perfectly thrown ball from Edwards in the afternoon session. He was just as advertised and was probably the best player on the field today. One thing I did notice is that they used him in a lot of crossing routes which he completed effectively. What else can be said......he was great. 3. With Owens on the field, most eyes were on him. However, Evans had a real nice day today as well. He was getting wide open on hitch routes and in-routes all day. With all of the attentions on Owens, I look for a huge year out of Lee. He looked great today as well. Did have 1 drop, but that happens. He was very solid, though. Him and TO will create huge mismatches at times. It was fun to watch. 4. Shawn Nelson was absent in the morning practice, but did come out part way through the afternoon practice. Unfortunately, he did not see a lot of work in drills because of the late arrival, but in the drills he did participate in, he looked smooth. He was split out a lot as we thought would happen. 5. Donte Whitner worked both at Strong and Free Safety. While he did like up at Free a little more during drills, he did see time at both. We'll have to see if that changes at all when Byrd comes into Camp. He had a pretty solid day including a few pass breakups and a pick. 6. Youboty had a very good day. While he did get burned by TO on that long TD, he had several breakups and also had a pick or 2. He did drop a sure INT in the afternoon, but he was good. 7. POZ is just a BIG MAN. The guys is ripped and looks like a truck out there. He had a great day with a pick that would have been returned for a TD. 8. The Bills did a TON of Special Teams work today. I think they did more Special Teams work than offense and defense! HA! New techniques were implemented today to combat the new rule changes. But yeah, a lot of work done here today. 9. Other than the offense running the no huddle almost 100% of the time, there was really only 1 other thing that stood out. The offensive line. And they stood out NOT IN A GOOD WAY. They allowed 4-5 would-be sacks today and were getting schooled by the D-Line and blitzes that were sent. During the morning practice they looked pretty good, but in the afternoon, they were getting to the QBs on a regular basis and the O-Line did not have a good session. Wood and Levitre should easily make the starting lineup if today was any indication. The O-Line was bad in the afternoon especially. 10. We may be desperately looking for a backup QB that can play sooner rather than later. Outside of Edwards, who had a pretty good day, the other QBs in camp were TERRIBLE!!!!! Fitz and GH couldn't hit the broadside of a barn today. They were terrible. I hope it was just a bad day, but they looked completely out of place. I am more concerned now about the backup QB position than I originally thought I was. Trent did look good, throwing only a couple of bad balls, but the backups were awful. There is probably a lot I forgot to mention, so if you have any specific questions, I will do my best to help. Overall, it was a decent set of practices for the first day. The offense looked great at times and bad at others. But, today I saw potential there that I have not seen in several years. Hopefully they will be better as time goes along, but today was a good start. Fun time. Finally, I did take a few pictures at Camp today and I have placed them on my Facebook page. If you want to take a look at this gallery, you can see the pictures at this link: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2027...mp;l=8b5dbb13dc ENJOY!
  11. Yeah....saw this. I watched all of the local new stations sports and I believe all of them said that he signed. So they are reporting it as well. I am not sure what to think. I guess we will find out tomorrow when practice starts! I am just hoping the Bills are just not saying anything because they want to announce multiple signings at 1 time. Maybe they have the deal done with Nelson, but they are waiting to announce it along with some of the other guys. We can only hope.
  12. According to a report on WGR55, Shawn Nelson has signed a 4 year deal. AP was reporting this. Looking for a link. EDIT: Here is the link: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-b...p&type=lgns
  13. Would have loved to see a picture of that one! Great job!
  14. The Buffalo Bills will take the field for the first time in the 2009-2010 season! While it is only Preseason, I NEED FOOTBALL and I absolutely can't wait! Heck, I can't wait for Training Camp! LETS GO BILLS!!!!!!
  15. You kidding! I have beet waiting for Training Camp since the last game of the season! Just like I can't wait for FA and the Draft...... I am glad they space things out a bit through the off-season or I would go nuts. I NEED FOOTBALL!! I have watched all of the games from last season twice so far since the season has ended! I NEED IT!!!! Can't wait for Camp!!
  16. I also believe the players are good enough if they play up to their potential. The only problem is the coaching staff. I just don't believe they are good enough. The players will have to win and perform in spite of the coaches in some weeks. If the players play to the best of their ability, I do think that they have the talent. But until the coaching staff displays some common sense in certain areas and get more aggressive on a more regular basis, it will remain to be seen how good this offense could be. Love the optimism, though!!!! LET'S GO BILLS!!!!!!!
  17. Of course the Bills are going to deny it!!! Why would they do anything otherwise until plans are more finalized? It is no surprise the Bills are denying this. However, even with them not saying anything, usually when something like this comes out, there is at least SOMETHING to it. It may be no more than some initial conversations (with no immediate plans). The could be just doing some basic research. So it would be easy for the Bills to deny something like this because it may just be exploratory. But don't for 1 second think that just because the Bills deny something like this, that there is not at least something to it. What and how much they have talked about will probably not be known for a long time. But don't just blow it off because the Bills Front Office is. Somebody at least contacted them about something or else why would they just throw the Bills name out there like that.
  18. NFL - Buffalo Bills MLB - Toronto Blue Jays NHL - Buffalo Sabres NBA - Chicago Bulls ORDER: NFL - Buffalo Bills NHL - Buffalo Sabres NBA - Chicago Bulls MLB - Toronto Blue Jays
  19. You do realize that it is pretty much the same for every team in the league, right? There are not many (if any) backups that are going to carry a team to the Super Bowl. If any starter in the league goes down for an extended period of time, I can ALMOST guarantee they will not win the Super Bowl. Does it happen? Sure.......once in a blue moon. But let's face it, if you starting QB goes down, the chances of winning are not good. And that is just not for the Bills.....it goes for every team. The money is just not there to have 2 GREAT QBs on any team unless it happens by accident.
  20. I'll take Chicago if you need a new owner!!! EDIT..... Wait a minute......will there be a completely new draft or will I have to use a team already in place? I am hoping that everyone starts from scratch and we can choose our team. If we have to use players already on the team, i will have to get further information.
  21. Pretty good job by T.O.! The popcorn at the end was a great touch!
  22. And the surprise is........ that he is doing Sports?
  23. The TO Show wouldn't be a bad announcement. They did say it will have everyone talking, so I guess we will see. Should know in a couple minutes....
  24. My guess it will have something to do with his reality show..... Just a guess, but I wouldn't bet against it!
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