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Everything posted by sven233

  1. I just wish all of these idiots picking us as the worst team in the league this season we willing to bet on it. In fact, i can virtually guarantee we will not be any worse than last season. So, if they think that the Bills will be the worst team in the league at 6-10 (at worst), then so be it. But if they think we are going 0-16 or 1-15, these guys are even dumber than they are already considered. Talk about mailing in their job. These so-called "experts" are all idiots. Look, I am not sure how good we will be. I am not sure if we will make the Playoffs or if we will struggle again this season. But I GUARANTEE that we will not have the worst record in the league. I'd bet my house on it.
  2. I think there may be a chance that he is simply working out while catching up in the classroom on the installations that he has missed. He may want to make sure he understands what is going on before taking the field so he can participate without wondering what is going on. It could be as simple as that. Ideally, that would be the reason. Hopefully he is out there tomorrow.
  3. OK.......I don't want to come in an ruffle any feathers here, but there are some facts that many of you are leaving out about Fred Jackson's season last year, especially when trying to compare his production to Lynch's. You have to remember that 4 of Fred Jack's most productive games last season came Weeks 1-3 and Week 17. In the first 3 weeks of the season, Jackson got to run behind our offensive line.....our real starters before they really started dropping like flies. Granted, our offensive line is not very good even when all the starters are in there, but they were better when they were healthy for the most part early in the year. As for Week 17, the Colts played their 2nd and 3rd string defense for most of the game. What does this matter? Well, Lynch did not get a single carry in any one of those games. Now, who knows what would have happened if Lynch got to run behind our original offensive line early in the year when guys were healthy. Nobody knows if he would have been as successful against the Colts 3rd string defense in the snow the last game of the season. The point is, if you look at some of Jackson's best games from last year, Lynch didn't have the same opportunity to produce in those same games. Look......I am not trying to take anything away from Jackson. I am not trying to say Lynch is a better RB. I am just trying to add in some, what I think anyway, very important details that most people seem to leave out. I hope people realize that just because they like 1 RB more than another one, doesn't mean one has to be great and the other one has to be trash. THEY CAN BE BOTH VERY GOOD RBs!!! It doesn't have to be 1 or the other. I like Jackson. I think he is a good back. But his lack of TD making abilities is a reason for concern. The fact that he will be 30 years old is a reason for concern. He is a good RB, but the fact is he is not a GREAT RB. He is not a GAME CHANGER. He is a solid RB. I like Lynch as well. I actually think he has more natural talent and gifts than Jackson does, but he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer either. He does stupid things off the football field that may end up ending his career at some point. But, he is also a very solid RB.....in fact, he is a Pro Bowl RB. He has a lot of skills. He actually score TDs as well! But obviously, there are many concerns about him as well. The point is, I wish people would stop trying to praise 1 of these guys while destroying the other. They are both very good RBs and they both have their strengths and weaknesses. You don't need to work so hard to make one that much better than the other. When you break it down, they are actually pretty similar. Not in style, but in production and what they can give you. Personally, I am glad that all of these RBs are on our team. I would rather play with Lynch than against him. I would rather play with Jackson than against him. I would rather play with Spiller than against him. A creative offensive mind can get all of these guys touches if need be. While I still think that 1 of them will be gone before the season (most likely Lynch), I am not opposed to using all 3 on a regular basis. And hey, if Edwards (Captain Checkdown) is our QB, they all might have 100+ catches by the end of the year!
  4. That's interesting considering the fact that Hardy was not at the Rookie OTAs a couple of weeks ago. Gailey said Hardy had to "take care of some things" and that is why he wasn't there. Regardless, Hardy spent a lot of time with T.O. last season and that can only be a good thing for him moving forward. It also sounds like he is talking to Evans a lot this season which is also good. I think he wants to do it. Just a matter of if he can do it.
  5. I don't know.....I just don't like the idea of them going to Canada at all. If that happens, they become a Canadian Team....no longer a Western NY team. No longer the Buffalo Bills. I am sure I could find a way to overcome it, but it would be tough. It is all about the thought that they are OUR team....if they go to Canada, that will change. Even if they mover to Niagara Falls, NY and became the Niagara Bills, at least they are still in our backyard.....not on Canadian soil. It may not appear to be that big a deal on the surface, but it changes things dramatically. It is hard to explain....just a feeling. Personally, I just hope for once Buffalo and NYS can get something right and keep the Bills here, in WNY. Going to be tough to get a new stadium here, but eventually, it will become a necessity. I need my BUFFALO Bills.........
  6. As long as it's Niagara Falls, NY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If it is Canada, no way.....but NY is more than OK with me! Means they stay!
  7. I am not sure how good Stevie Johnson will ever be in this league, but I am a fan. He is a humble guy that loves his teammates. Take a look at what he did to honor the Byrd Man.
  8. He threw 2 picks yesterday.......both to McKelvin. I guess that is considered a "slew."
  9. Week 1 Buffalo vs. Miami W Week 2 Buffalo vs. Green Bay W Week 3 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* W Week 4 Buffalo vs. NY Jets W Week 5 Buffalo vs. Jacksonville Jaguars W Week 6 BYE Week 7 Buffalo vs. Baltimore Ravens W Week 8 Buffalo vs. Kansas City Chiefs W Week 9 Buffalo vs. Chicago Bears W Week 10 Buffalo vs. Detroit Lions W Week 11 Buffalo vs. Cincinnati Bengals W Week 12 Buffalo vs. Pittsburgh Steelers W Week 13 Buffalo vs. Minnesota Vikings W Week 14 Buffalo vs. Cleveland Browns W Week 15 Buffalo vs. Miami Dolphins W Week 16 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* W Week 17 Buffalo vs. NY Jets W 16-0 BABY!!!!!! 19-0 AND SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS!!!!!! I can't pick against my Bills.....I just can't do it. LET'S GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!
  10. Keep in mind many of those highlights happened when he had a bad toe as well. If he is 100% he won't be caught from behind. Been a long time since we have had a RB with speed like that. Hopefully they can just find a way to get him the ball in space on a regular basis. LBs won't have a chance.
  11. Yup. Byrd was taken slightly higher than many projected as well. So far, that has not been an issue. They got the guy they considered the best NT left on the board. No problems with that. Big dude.........
  12. I think they will keep dropping........right passed the Bills!
  13. Also, don't forget to add how incredibly simple and basic our offense was under Dicky J! Our offense was so predictable and boring that even opposing defenses were saying how easy it was to defend us. I think Gailey alone designing a completely new (and definitely more creative) offense will increase our scoring average as well. So, a new (probably much better) offensive scheme, a new GAME-BREAKER in Spiller (not to mention if we can add some more talent the rest of the draft) will definite,y help us make up that 7 point scoring difference. I'm not saying we will make the Playoffs, but don't be surprised if we are not as bad as many think we will be. We were in just about every game last year. If we can score 6-7 more points per game, that could lead to 4 more wins. You never know!
  14. BINGO. Looking fast and being fast.........I don't care what way you want to look at it, but 4.32 speed is faster than 99% of the players in this league. In fact, we may now have one of the top 2-5 players in the NFL. And that is just speed. He has all the acceleration that you could ask for as well.
  15. I have been thinking about this all night! All of these so-called "experts" were saying that Buffalo wanted him. Well, maybe they did, maybe they didn't. These guys are not in the war room with the Bills front office! There are so many smokescreens out there and so much false information that they can pretty much say anything they want. I mean really....the Bills are going to call these guys and complain about not getting Tebow? Really? It is all speculation. They don 't know what the Bills are thinking. They probably saw that Kelly went out to dinner with him and they just assumed that the Bills wanted Tebow the most! Look, some of these guys get good information about certain things, but I doubt the Bills are going to call them and tell them how frustrated they are because they didn't get a guy they wanted. It is all speculation.
  16. You're kidding right? You want to give up almost our entire draft for a guy that may end up as a fullback or TE in the NFL before it is done? Glad you are not a GM. I wouldn't have given that much up to get Bradford! HA!
  17. 3 things that everyone has to know and deal with......... DEATH TAXES Cheatriots* trading down about 15 times every year and picking up a gazillion picks every year!
  18. I actually want Clausen more now! Imagine the chip on his shoulder he has now! Tebow taken before him? He has got to be fuming! Big time chip on the shoulder now. Will make him better.
  19. I just hate it when the freaking Cheatriots* keep picking up picks.
  20. Spiller is just an inch or 2 shorter than Jackson and about 10 pounds lighter. He is a TON FASTER. Size is not an issue. Look, you can argue that other positions are more important, but don't use size as a reason to bash the pick. By the way, Thurman Thomas was smaller than Spiller and much slower as well. Don't bring up size. Use other reasons.
  21. NO KIDDING!!!! Man, if they were going to reach that much, they should have taken Tebow! HA!
  22. You do realize that he is 5'11 and 200lbs, right? He is not a small man. He has pretty decent size for a RB. Just as a comparison, Fred Jackson is about 6-1, 215. Not much bigger. Spiller will make plays. Gailey will put him in a position to make plays in space. He will be a game-changer. I am confident Gailey will put a good offense on the field and Spiller will be a big part of it. PS. On a side note, everyone has to remember that this is a new staff and new front office in many ways. There is going to be some changeover of the talent here. The new staff will want to build the team their way. In the process, they will have to clean up the mess that they don't like. Gonna be a process.
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