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Everything posted by sven233

  1. Say what you want about the XFL...... Did it ultimately fail the first time around? Yes, but it wasn't without a lot of positive things coming out of it. In fact, the XFL changed the way the NFL presented its product. From cameras and angles, to more on-field microphones and overall presentation, the XFL revolutionized the way football was visually presented. (Plus, their football looked pretty sweet.) That said, the XFL failed for a lot of reasons, but the primary one is that they legitimately thought they could compete with the NFL. Obviously, this is not going to happen. However, if they rework their ultimate goal and focus more on the development of players and giving guys that don't make the final cut in the NFL another outlet to play the game, I think they could do something good. Today, more-so than ever in the past, there are a lot of talented football players that just aren't quite ready for the NFL for 1 reason or another. If the XFL comes back and is not presented as an over-the-top sideshow lie it was the first time around, and it presented itself as a well put together, organized, and serious league so that they can attract better players, there might be some potential there. And, obviously, the rules would have to be adjusted in a way that makes for a bit of a safer game. Do they have to go as far as the NFL does? Definitely not, but rules would have to be modified. Also, remember that the TV landscape is a lot different than it used to be. While I am sure they would love a national TV deal, if that isn't feasible, the WWE already has a distribution outlet with their own WWE Network. So, their network is a resource that they didn't have before that could be used to help them if necessary. All in all, while it may be a long shot for it to work, I think with a different mission statement, a better product with better players, and a more professional presentation, there is room for more football, especially during the NFL off-season. I think any football fan should root for it to succeed because, in the end, more places for guys to play and develop their skills is a good thing for the NFL.
  2. He better not, but that's the talk right now.... Anything over18- 20 and I have no interest at all. Honesty I don't have much interest in him at all no matter what. Draft a guy one and don't tie big money into someone that's barely above average. We can find a QB in the draft that can be just as good, if not much better for a lot less on a rookie deal.
  3. The key to knowing whether or not this guy has any real information is taking one of the first things he said and look at it objectively. If anyone thinks we are going to pay Kirk Cousins 30 mil a year, then I think you need to take a step back. He's a slightly (maybe) above average QB and is not even close to being worth the highest paid player in the league. There is no way the Bills are interested in spending 30 mil a year on Kirk Cousins. Come on now.
  4. A dominant D-Line that hits him constantly by just bring 4. They rattle Brady and then he starts hearing footsteps and rushes things more than he does against other teams. Once he's rattled by getting hit with 4, you can then throw in the occasional blitz and really mess with him. But you have to hit him and hit hi hard with 4. If you can do that, you have a great chance.
  5. Brady picking his nose....
  6. Man, what I wouldn't give for our D-Line to be putting Brady down as much as the Dolphins have this season. We hardly ever touch him and the Dolphins have hit him a ton in these 2 games. Only problem is that he keeps getting up, no matter how slowly at times....
  7. Should have been a pick there....
  8. Not the last couple home games.....
  9. Over/Under 95 yards for Taylor next week?
  10. We are gonna get killed next week...... Better hope for another snow storm.
  11. That 3rd down completion is everything wrong with Taylor. Yes, Taylor throws that checkdown short of the sticks, but it is either low or behind the receiver and we don't convert. NFL QBs complete that ball in stride every time. When was the last time Taylor hit a WR in a full sprint like that? Has it ever happened?
  12. Yup.....he'll be lucky to crack 50 if this Dolphins team shows up.
  13. That may prove true, but if they somehow beat the Pats* tonight, I would not be confident at all beating them next week.
  14. Starting to believe there is a better chance we lose out than win out.... Miami is not bad. I don't see us beating them twice, especially with Tyrod at QB. I know a lot of things are based on matchups in the NFL, but we already saw what the Cheatriots* can do to us and, so far, the Dolphins are the better team tonight. Will be interesting to see what happens, but our offense in not an NFL offense at this point. Gonna be a tough task to win 2 out of 3.
  15. You don't get it...... a TIE put our probability to make the Playoffs at about 3%. A loss is 0%. You had to win based on the math of what's left on the schedule for us and every other team.
  16. Not in this case....a tie still knocks you out of the Playoffs for all intents and purposes. 0% or 3%.....no real difference.
  17. A tie was basically the same as a loss. We are only 25% to get in even with the win yesterday. If we would have tied, the chances would have been like 3%. So, a tie and a loss were essentially the same thing. A tie wasn't an option yesterday.
  18. But at the time of the decision, you don't know that you are going to win the game, either. That's the point. If the game ends in a tie or loss, then everyone would say it was the wrong decision to punt. You can't know the outcome at the time you make the decision. In that moment where the decision is made it comes down to this: People supporting the punt are basically saying this: You were more confident in the defense forcing a punt, a WR playing QB leading us 60-70 yards down the field in a blizzard, & scoring (all in under 4 minutes) than you were in making 3 feet in 1 play. Forget the result of the game. You don't know it when you are making the decision. It is only about making the choice that gives you the best chance to win......because a tie kills your season. You have to win. So.... more confident in the defense forcing a punt, a WR playing QB leading us 60-70 yards down the field in a blizzard, & scoring (all in under 4 minutes) > 3 feet in 1 play or more confident in 3 feet in 1 play > defense forcing a punt, a WR playing QB leading us 60-70 yards down the field in a blizzard, & scoring (all in under 4 minutes)
  19. The outcome of the game has nothing to do with whether the call to punt was correct or not. Forget the outcome for a minute and let's just break the call down at the time it was made. Put yourself in that situation, not knowing what the outcome of the game will be. In this situation, you have 2 options: 1. PUNT People supporting the punt are basically saying this: You were more confident in the defense forcing a punt, a WR playing QB leading us 60-70 yards down the field in a blizzard, & scoring (all in under 4 minutes) than you were in making 3 feet in 1 play. DOWNSIDE - You can't make it back into scoring position and lose or tie the game, ending your season. RISK: Ends your season if you run out of time 2. GO FOR IT People supporting the decision to go for it a saying this: I like my chances of getting 3 feet in 1 play more than the odds of the defense forcing a punt, a WR playing QB leading us 60-70 yards down the field in a blizzard, & scoring (all in under 4 minutes) DOWNSIDE - You don't make it, but the Colts are still only at their 40 yard line and you can still hope for the defense to get a stop and do the exact thing that the punt supporters are hoping for. Only difference is maybe 20 yards in field position. RISK: 20 yards of field position That's basically it. If you are more confident in all of those things happening than making 3 feet in 1 play, then that's fine. Me, I like my odds of getting 3 feet better. PS. Not only do you have to weigh these factors in this decision, but you also have to take into an account that a tie basically ends your season. So, if all of these things don't happen in those 4 minutes, and you tie.....your season is over. You have to keep in mind, even with the win, we are 25% to make the Playoffs. With a tie, we would have been around 3% or so. So, a tie was not an option. So, of the options above, you have to choose the one that you believe gives you the best chance to win, not tie.
  20. No matter what the result, that punt is inexcusable. The coach got bailed out on 2 spectacular plays. Thiat punt is awful.
  22. That is a fireable offense...... NO EXCUSE FOR THAT. We will never win with this coach.
  23. Unless Shady breaks one, there is no way we win this game....
  24. About to lose this game because of Tolbert and Vlad.... Fitting, though....
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