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Everything posted by sven233

  1. There is another thread on this, but a new one might be a good idea. We are losing the slight lead we have! If you haven't voted yet, please do it! Literally just takes 1 second! Going to come down to the wire here and we're going to need a big push!
  2. Allen has taken a slight lead, but this one will come down to the wire..... Make sure you vote guys! https://twitter.com/gmfb/status/1111230168910254082
  3. While you're at it, vote for Josh Allen! It's 50-50 right now and I know we can put Josh over the top! https://twitter.com/gmfb/status/1111230168910254082
  4. Still hanging in there, but make sure to vote!!
  5. Depends on what you're looking for. Barry Sanders was the best that I saw, but you could make arguments from Jim Brown, OJ, Walter Payton, Bo Jackson or a bunch of other guys. You could make a great argument for Thurman with the way he could run it, catch it, and block. Thurman might be the best all around back ever. Just depends on what you want in your RB.
  6. Yes.....but having Twitter is great anyway. You never have to post there and, if you follow the right people, you will always be up to date on the breaking news. Worth it to vote!
  7. Come one people...... Need to vote! https://twitter.com/NFLonFOX/status/1111298339385925632
  8. It comes down to personal preference, but I would prefer Butler myself. I am not sure any of the WRs in this class are going to be great, but I think there are many of them that will play in the league for a long time.
  9. A retractable roof is the right answer for our area. The problem is the additional cost. I'm not sure of the exact number, but I am guessing you're looking at a couple hundred million more for that feature. I am a firm believer that this facility should be a year-round entertainment complex that can be used more than 8-15 dates a year. So, some sort of roof is necessary for that. I know personally that as I get older, the prospect of going to sit in the snow and cold isn't as easy to do as it used to be. The owner may say he doesn't want a dome, but he's also sitting in a beautiful heated owner's box and not outside in the cold and snow. But, on the other hand, nothing beats being in an open air stadium on a beautiful fall day. So yeah, a retractable roof is the right option and I hope that's what they settle on. Also, part of me wants some sort of roof on the place just to get rid of the stupid excuse of the weather being a reason to be a ground and pound team and a reason to not step into this new NFL that requires a top passing game. And honestly, it may help get certain free agents here as well that don't want to play in the snow and cold, even though that is usually only for 1-2 games, at most, per year. It could take away a lot of preconceived notions about the city and team from those that aren't from around here.
  10. Bills up to a 54-46 advantage. Keep it rolling, guys!!! On a side note, if you are interested, Josh Allen's hurdle is also up for play of the year here. Go vote!!!
  11. On behalf of the AFC East, and the rest of the NFL, you won't be missed......... Good riddance. Now talk Brady into going with you.
  12. Look.....this is the type of meme that can come back and bite him in the ass if the Bills make the Playoffs and have a successful season and the Raiders struggle. But that is on the Bills to make that happen.
  13. It's an emotional watch, but man...... I just can't wait for the day when the Playoffs become an expectation and winning a Super Bowl is the emotional part.......
  14. Depending on the scope of this, it could go a long ways to whether they build a new stadium or renovate the current one. Imagine the state of the art stadium they would build with a full blown casino! I know the article says it's for sports-betting, but who's to say it would stop there in the future. If they planned on this, or really any form of gambling, I don't want to hear anything about the public funding it up front as the fans would end up funding it through losing money gambling fast enough. A bunch of drunk people gambling in the stadium? Sounds like a great way for the team to make money and fund their own stadium to me.
  15. There are plenty of names on this list that can be let go without a problem. I know Bills fans aren't used to having real NFL talent as depth, but that is the way good teams are structured. Finally we will have capable replacements if someone goes down and the talent won't just fall off a cliff. Welcome back to having a real NFL roster, guys.......
  16. This is pretty straight forward for me, actually. Give me Ed Oliver in the 1st and Hakeem Butler in the 2nd (or a slight trade up). I am hoping we can close the deal with Ansah and have him running off the edge with Hughes. We have our run stuffer in the middle with Star and if we can get a 3rd disruptive force in there with Oliver, our D will be ready for prime time. I like our depth with the Phillips boys as well. I am of the opinion that I am not sure any WRs in this class will ever be ELITE, but I think there are a lot of guys that will be very good for a long time. I think Hakeem Butler with his size and speed has a chance to be a very good one.
  17. Not only that, but during the Senior Bowl, he clocked in at over 66mph. There has never been another QB that has been officially measured to top 61.
  18. Adam Schefter‏Verified account @AdamSchefter 33s34 seconds ago Le’Veon Bell’s four-year deal with the New York Jets has a max value of $61 million and includes $35 million guaranteed, per source.
  19. Albert Breer‏Verified account @AlbertBreer 2m2 minutes ago Le'Veon Bell had over $15 million per on the table with the Steelers in July. Walked away from $14.54 million after that. Not great decision-making.
  20. He took a pay cut by taking last year off and not signing the contract that the Steelers originally offered. He deserved it.
  21. Was hoping he would end up somewhere else just because of the stupid Jets fans, but it is what it is. No need to be afraid of the Jets offense.
  22. Not worried about him, or any RB, for that matter. You can find good backs to win with anywhere.
  23. Adam Schefter‏Verified account @AdamSchefter 5s5 seconds ago Former Steelers’ RB Le’Veon Bell plans to sign with…the New York Jets, a league source tells ESPN And the wait is finally over..... Pretty blah....... Not really concerned about him at all. Hopefully they paid him a ton.....
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