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Posts posted by Yeezus

  1. Mcdermott has no clue what it takes to run a successful offense in the NFL. It is why he hired Rick Dennsion, a guy who also has never had a good offense of his own. This guy ruined our run game and took a top 10 scoring offense with the same exact personnel and butchered it


    The Bills have REPEATEDLY hired conservative DC's with no sense on how to develop a QB or run an offense and our fans wonder why we haven't made the playoffs in almost 20 years.  


    Does anyone really believe this coaching staff can actually develop a rookie QB?? Imagine a rookie QB with Dennison's god awful playcalling. It's 2018, the only thing that matters in the NFL is having a franchise QB and a top 10 offense. If you don't have either than don't even bother thinking about playoffs 

  2. 5 hours ago, Billsfan1972 said:

    From the offense.  You would think by accident any NFL QB can throw for 300 yards in a game.  


    I've posted this again and again and am just confounded, perplexed and stupefied that this team can't/won't have a game plan that has them throwing for 300 yards (heck 250 would be something) EVER!!!!!


    The NFL over and over is a game that comes down to getting the ball in the endzone and being CAPABLE of throwing the ball.  


    There is not a single team that can count on winning games 20-17 that has any chance for success.


    Why do we have a coaching staff who refuses to recognize this?


    And no it is not all TT's fault.  


    Look at our OC's for the past 20 years


    this franchise keeps hiring defensive minded conservative coaches and wondering why they haven't made the playoffs or found a good QB. Well no one on this staff knows how to develop a QB let alone run a successful offense


    Ditch the 1980s offense and you will see 300 yard games

  3. 51 minutes ago, JMF2006 said:


    To me I don't understand this?


    The Nissans lose to the Rams then the Jags and they are 8-8 even if the Bills split they are 9-7.


    Hope for a Chargers loss or even a Ravens loss and the Bills are in. 


    Ravens aren't losing anymore


    and the Chargers most likely aren't either. Philip Rivers is on a hot streak and the Oakland secondary is complete shambles 

  4. 5 minutes ago, suorangefan4 said:


    Tennessee can't win the Jaguars game because then they'd own the tiebreaker over us too due to better win percentage vs the AFC


    exactly so either we go 10-6 or hope Tenn wins today and loses the next two bc if Tenn wins today there is no way in hell they beat the Rams in LA

  5. 3 minutes ago, Pbomb said:

    I think yeezus and the juice are the same people. Both always agree with eachother, both only have negative outlooks on everything about the bills, and both start ridiculous threads all the time


    ridiculous? 95% of this sub was calling for Mcdermott to be fired after punting on 4th and 1. I only bring up good arguements about the state of the team right now and all I get are replies like this


    just talking about how I'm a bad poster and how I should be more "positive". no one offers actual counter-arguments. its a joke



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