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Everything posted by Yeezus

  1. Darby salas Watkins Glenn out Lollll Have fun watching this **** show. I refuse to watch this team until they clean house
  2. LMAO this team doesn't stand a chance week 4 Rex all but certain going to get fired at the bye
  3. He might be. I remember him saying its important for players to stand. No one on the Bills has taken a knee yet. Rex does support Trump remember. I can get a feeling a lot of players in the team are starting to dislike him, especially with the way the season has been going.
  4. Anything that helps the tank is better Why would you guys want this team to keep winning, save Rex and just delay the firing for another year?? lol I want a top 3 pick
  5. I can't wait until Whaley is gone He has bee. Awful
  6. Love when other teams make our organization look more incompetent than we do What an amazing week to be a bills fan
  7. SF has one of the best defenses in the league .no Cleavland already out up 20 And you will see when the bills go to LA and get dominated Stop trying to make things seem ok, this franchise is a joke
  8. Browns are dominating Ravens We lost to 2 average teams , doesn't matter how many points by, we got dominated in both games
  9. WHO CARES WHAT HAPPENED CLEAN !@#$ING HOUSE its not that hard. Get rid of everyone. Who in their right mind would give this dysfunctional staff another year???? We are the worst run organization in the NFL, bar none. Can't even bring the Jags up b/c in 2 years they will be legit superbowl contenders, same with the Bucs. Rex will be gone at the bye week, anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional
  10. Nothing is going to happen. Tyrod needs to read the defense better. Thats what needs to change
  11. This guy that they appointed believes in the power run game more than Roman did Get ready for another run run pass offense. Coaches who have never called offensive plays in their career tend to crash and burn. The firing of Roman was a joke, just an excuse. Give us fans who aren't eating this crap up one good reason why the offense will be better than it used to be.
  12. The pass rush disappears bec we stopped rushing guys and had everyone in coverage And we still couldnt stop Fitz Rex had no idea what he was doing. Do your guys even watch the !@#$ing games
  13. Guessing this is sarcasm because this team is at its lowest point in the past 6-7 years
  14. Rex all but knows now he will be gone at the bye week What else explains firing Roman. He has no clue what is going on and panicked again , just like he did in NY And appointing s guy who has no experience as an OC?? This move is great not because Roman was awful, it's because Rex is now officially on the hot seat and Pegula WILL take action
  15. Trying to support this complete garbage franchise. People paying hard earned money to watch this team and they get nothing in return It's sad to see man. I can't even imagine how bad it feels to go to these games and leave watching that horse **** I applaud the people of buffalo for having to put up with this garbage for 16 years
  16. If the team moved our lives would be so much more peaceful
  17. No one is going to watch this !@#$ing joke of s franchise next year unless we clean house
  18. If we didn't waste that timeout doing that nonsense on 4th down We could have had 50secs
  19. Lol have fun supporting the worst team in the NFL I'm just speaking my mind I'm tired of this garbage every year
  20. Tyrod had all day to throw and still couldn't move downfield for a single drive
  21. Whaley is the most overrated GM in nfl history Got a bunch of awful talent on that team with the worst coaching staff in the league
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