I was a bit surprised by the fact that McKelvin wasn't taken out of the game after muffing the punt return, especially since he almost coughed up another one late in the game. There's no excuse for the guy to be making those mistakes. The coaches have to send a message that that cannot be tolerated. Then again, after the penalties kept piling up and have continued to be a problem all season, maybe the players think they can get away with those mistakes without any consequences.
This does seem to be a roster that lacks major leadership and it can't be all put on a rookie QB's shoulders. There aren't enough leaders in that locker room who have taken responsibility for the ways things have gone outside of the usual comments, "We just have to get better." Leaders lead by example. In Indianapolis we saw guys like Reggie Wayne and Dwight Freeney take charge of that team during Andre Luck's rookie year. Who has taken charge of this team? It certainly hasn't been any of the veteran guys...
Marrone did let the captains and players speak out in the locker room after the game which was a different move, but that doesn't always solve everything even though it can help clear the air. But this is a roster of players who have never known how to take charge and hold themselves accountable collectively and individually. McKelvin, Wood, Kyle Williams, SJ, Fred Jackson, etc.. They've spent their entire careers here and still haven't learned how to be accountable for the team's mistakes and for their own. The results have been the same year in and year out. We can't expect things to change until we bring in some guidance into this locker room. Otherwise we're doomed to see the same group of players and coaches respond the same way they've always responded to these problems... "We just have to be accountable. We need to be better..." Even though they clearly haven't learned how.