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  1. EJ sucks, he's always sucked. The only ones defending him are fanboys that have watched him play through rose colored glasses. Fire Maronne, Hackett, Whaley and Brandon as soon as the season ends. Start Orton for the rest of the season.
  2. You can't develop aQB that has no talent. Thats EJ cut and dried.
  3. Straight fact! ^
  4. EJ sucked when he came here. It was one of the worse draft choices ever made by the Bills. Marrones incompetence in allowing EJ to continue to play, and his subsequent defense of EJ's inabilities shows that he is in no way a competent coach and doesn't belong in the NFL either. It's that simple.
  5. The Texans are going to roll over the Bills. It's that simple.
  6. I think Pegula learned from his mistake with Darcy, and not clearing house immediately with the Sabres. I believe he's going to clear house asap. The two Dougs have proven to be all but worthless and EJ is not, nor will he ever be a franchise QB.
  7. Really? We don't know what EJ is? Do you know anything about football? EJ is not a starter, or even a competent back up. All you have to do is watch his mechanics to see that. Orton is much better than EJ. If it were up to you EJ fanboys, we'd be watching EJ's inept ability for another 5 years while all of you kept telling everyone that "he just needs time". He was just as inept in Florida. Thank God that Pegula has bought the team. Watch how quickly he gets rid of all the trash, including EJ and Marrone. This team is finally going to start looking like an NFL contender. Oh,and RT is starting.
  8. The only people that believe EJ is any good, or will get better with time are people who know nothing about football and EJ fanboys. He was just as incompetent in Florida. He's had plenty of time to show improvement, and he still shows the same poor mechanics and inaccuracy. The sooner Pegula fires this useless coaching staff, and make EJ the water boy, the better. The truth hurts some I guess.
  9. The only people that believe EJ is any good, or will get better with time are people who know nothing about football and EJ fanboys. He was just as incompetent in Florida. He's had plenty of time to show improvement, and turret he still shows the same poor me mechanics and inaccuracy. The sooner Pegula fires this useless coaching staff, and make EJ the water boy, the better.
  10. Pleeease! EJ sucks as does the whole coaching staff. Anyonev that knows anything about football can see that. EJ fanboys know nothing about football. Of course when EJ is finally pulled because all the damage he's done, fanboys will swear that they never thought EJ was a good QB. Happens all the time.
  11. If the Bills are lucky, they might win 2 more games. Mark my words. They're going to be worse than last season.
  12. The sooner Marrone and the rest of the wannabe staff are gone, the better. EJ's fantasy about being a franchise QB will also be over. If he's lucky he can carry the Gatorade bottles for the real players.
  13. I said this was going to happen. Get ready, because they're going to lose a lot more games. The Bills are not a good team. EJ is pathetic, as is the entire coaching staff.
  14. Please! The Bills suck! Marrone, Hackett, Whaley and EJ are worthless wannabes. Anyone still making excuses for this inept group is either afraid to admit they were wrong or knows nothing about football.
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