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Everything posted by bbb

  1. My memory of Bullygate was that when they looked deeper into it - Incognito was in line with the other black guys on the team, and Martin was the soft Stanford "white" guy.
  2. It seems like he's had health problems since the '80s. I remember trying to find out more a little while back and never figuring out what they were: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Thomas#Diminishing_role_and_declining_health
  3. Damn. Nobody rocked a tux better than Ray on my favorite Moody Blues song:
  4. I don't see anything about dancing.
  5. How is that I keep hearing this yet all I remember about the 80s was that we started with stagflation, then Reagan got in office, did the tax cuts, and then we went on the longest economic expansion in history..............Now, I keep hearing they didn't work. How did they not work?
  6. Dammit. You had finally convinced me to start getting stoned, too!
  7. Thanks. I'll be rooting for SU the rest of the way. Not because I have my MBA from there (and was a season ticket holder then) but because it'll help us with the committee!
  8. It probably isn't. But, in that game, I think it would have been.
  9. I felt like the EMU coach during that overtime. Nobody remind him to back to the trap!
  10. I guess that's why I'm not a Hall of Fame coach. Because, my thinking would be "This other team has shown no ability to break this press and has not scored a point in about 100 minutes. I think I'll stick with it."
  11. Anyone have an answer to this about the Bonnies game?
  12. Mike Vaccarro is a Bona grad. He oftens writes about how the only team he allows himself to still be a fan of is the Bonnies, of which he is a fanatic.
  13. Did you get an email? This didn't even have the amount on it.
  14. I have to go ask that dealer what he sold me 40 years ago!
  15. I never even got a confirmation email for my donation. Reading back on the last few pages, I see others had the same problem. I just donated to Boyd's and got the confirmation already. Edit - I see this new board still merges posts. Didn't think that was still happening.
  16. CBD increased the mice’s preference for spending time interacting with other mice and reduced the number of social anxiety-like behaviors. I don't really have social anxiety, but I sure did whenever I got stoned in high school. I should have been talking with the stoned mice in the corner.
  17. How do you designate that the money is coming from a Bills fan? It's about the only donation form that I've tried to use that doesn't have a section to leave a note.
  18. I thought the BNA runways were too small?
  19. Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes:
  20. The next week, there was a ref hanging in effigy in the Rich tunnel. I was there. It was the famous Chuck Foreman snowball game.
  21. Yeah, I guess I should have asked if the experts think he is on that level yet?
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