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Everything posted by bbb

  1. I definitely want more "going for it" on 4th and short, in between the 40s, etc.....................But, Schoop kills his case by his "never punt" stance...............Same as his "pass on ever down" stance.
  2. All this ranting from me saying this: Not sure what you're saying. Those were really fighting words I put out there.
  3. What are the names of their podcasts?
  4. Roots? This is going to turn into a racial thing....
  5. Well, at least we won't have to wait for two period to play to know that we got the 4th pick.
  6. Screw you. I already explained what I was thinking you meant. If you want to rant on about how nobody could ever misunderstand you, go ahead.
  7. I think, but am not sure, that Bulldog actually argued with Schoop the day before the draft...................I turned it on and he was mad, and I'm pretty sure at Schoop, but then they went to a commercial...............When, they got back, they seemed to be overcompensatingly nice to each other. So, they may have happened?? This year, whenever they talked about the draft, which was every time I listened, Schoop would say how much he loves this stuff...............But, back when they actually did the draft - they both, but especially him, would say how stupid the whole thing is. So, did they really change their mind, or did the station tell them this is what's going to drive your ratings?
  8. No, I didn't. And, if you were perfectly clear, it was still lost on me. Here is what you said. This isn't even a real sentence in any grammatical way: The advent of DNA testing, he was a cop @ one time, knew how to get away with things (see: Drew Peterson). Maybe he was following along with the changing tech. I had started to type "Are you saying that he somehow knew how to get away with not getting his DNA caught?" But, then that didn't make any sense. So, I said I'm not sure what you're saying. It's pretty strange that somebody with these urges or whatever would just be able to stop - because of DNA coming onto the scene.
  9. Not sure what you're saying.
  10. Has it come out why he stopped this after 1986?
  11. Sam Darnold is pretty goofy looking. He reminds me of somebody, but I can't remember who!
  12. I love them long time.
  13. What did he say??
  14. I'm glad I'm not the only one. And, the subsequent posts here still didn't clear it up for me!...............the NHL is run by Neanderthals.
  15. We have Chuck E Cheese for the women.
  16. Did you two post at exactly the same time?
  17. This myth annoys me so much! I cringe every time somebody says the 82% or whatever the bull **** number is.
  18. That might have been even better than being at the game!
  19. I was using the spelling of the post above mine.
  20. I was there. Can't believe it's 25 years!
  21. What happened to that pot smoking pit bull fanatic? I can't remember his name.
  22. I have actually never been in one. Aren't they for little kids? Are those girls fighting mothers of kids - or do older kids go on their own?
  23. She doesn't look the same to me anymore. I think she lost too much weight or something
  24. There really doesn't seem to be anyone who knows how this works. I do think it will be worse for selling games you can't use.
  25. Exactly - that's a DJ! What does he do - spin the record while the commercial gets filmed?
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