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Everything posted by bbb

  1. It sounded like he went missing at like 6AM. I assume they were partying all night and then went for a swim?
  2. Haha - Mighty Taco commercials have been the best for so long!
  3. It's one song that it seemed like everybody loved that I just didn't get. The chorus is so boring to me...............I do LOVE Solsbury Hill, though.
  4. Man, I wonder where he was coming from that he was wearing heals?!?
  5. I hope somebody posted her in the commercial thread!
  6. Then why did you post her in the hot looking celebrities thread?
  7. You people are messed up. JLaw is so hot.
  8. I thought they looked somewhat similar but not that much.
  9. Didn't the mother SAY it was the neighbor? Why would she do that?
  10. No, that wasn't The Lincoln Lawyer - that was Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Killer. Daniel Day-Lewis won the Oscar for it.
  11. The stupidest tweet I've seen in awhile:
  12. Justine Bateman wasn't a looker on Family Ties? I give up on the Internet!
  13. Somebody above posted her Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/msdecordon/ If you look at it, she is in London.................I looked at Shady's twitter and he was in Miami on Sunday at mass............Doesn't say he's in London or anywhere else since then. So, he flew from Miami to London yesterday and beat her up? And, she has no pictures of him on her Instagram?
  14. This sounds like the makings of a new thread.
  15. WTF - I have to watch 30 seconds of some guy with a beard in order to see 1.5 seconds of some probably hot chick, behind the writing for the ad.
  16. Anthony Bourdain's will surprised lots of people when it was revealed he died with around $1.2 mil in assets, because everyone thought he was way richer ... turns out, he was. We obtained a copy of Bourdain's will, and it appears he created a trust outside the will which contained an undisclosed amount of assets. It's very common for rich folk to create trusts outside of their will ... partly for tax purposes and partly for privacy. As we reported, the will discloses Bourdain left behind $425k in cash, $250k in personal property, $35k in brokerage accounts and around $500k in royalties and residuals. The will lists Ottavia Busia-Bourdain, his estranged wife, as trustee. The will was signed in 2016, after they had separated. http://www.tmz.com/2018/07/06/anthony-bourdain-will-trust-money-suicide/
  17. This is the kind of stuff I want to see on Facebook!
  18. He said in the first hour that he gets asked that, but he doesn't want to be. He said he's super busy. He made this sports trivia game for Buffalo (I bought it) and was real successful and they've been adding five cities a year. I guess they are also coming out with a second version of the Buffalo game.
  19. I pretty much agree. I don't like how the 3 pointer has become all important................But, why has it become so popular lately?
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