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Everything posted by bbb

  1. I am one of the dinosaurs who actually get the paper still - and I really like it so much better without Bucky and Sully.
  2. So, roughly, 20x the chance of getting killed on a bike than in a car or truck. Figuring maybe NC has more biker miles due to mild weather, maybe 15x................Not the odds I would like if I were a biker.
  3. I would think what really matters here is the number of miles driven/ridden Per the latest year gathered by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, this is the chart: 4,580,725 3,045,205 N 22,022 The top # (In millions) is the total amount of highway miles driven by all vehicles. The bottom number is motorcycle miles. The number of miles covered by motorcycles is a little less than Half of 1% https://www.bts.gov/content/us-passenger-miles
  4. They're still making the most money.
  5. Actually, for me, none of these can equal the bands in the OP. If you had listed Springsteen, CCR, and The Eagles, it would be a little different.
  6. I agree with this. I know I wanted a WR and would have not been happy with anybody but a WR in that draft.
  7. I thought maybe this might be my guy above, but apparently there were more than one ahole out last night and people weren't looking twice when they were doing 100: Motorcyclist dead after trooper tries to pull over bikes traveling 100 mph https://buffalonews.com/2018/08/03/2416662/
  8. May their proctologists be frustrated concert trombonists
  9. I'm pretty sure she weighs less now than she did then.
  10. You're right. I don't have a clue.................As usual, tonight my podcast was interrupted due to a dick on a bike. I could hear him coming from way down the street. My timing would have been that I was going to walk across the street at about the same time they noise was going to arrive, so I didn't. He did stop at the stop sign down the street. Then, really got revving for the 100-200 yards or whatever to the stop sign I was going to cross at. At this time he was going full throttle as fast as he possibly could, seemed to standing up, blew threw the stop sign like that, while two other cars were coming in the opposite direction. Of course, I soon walked past a house with a "Look twice - save a life" sign. Ironic - that dick didn't even look once at the street that he crossed that he had the stop sign. And, if one of the two cars oncoming took the left that was their right of way - he would have dead. But, yeah - I don't have a clue. I went to 30 seconds and it's noise. Period.
  11. Not for Schoop and the Bulldog. Those guys seem to work the least of any adults I know of.
  12. You can see her butt in that picture?
  13. They ruin my walks in the city, too...............I'm usually listening to a podcast on my headphones and it shouldn't be drowned out by a bike that I have now heard for the last two minutes.
  14. Maybe Sean Miller - Arizona hoops coach..............He came back after a game or two. But, I think he's still being investigated.
  15. I think it's 8. Can't do it, either way!
  16. I bailed after two episodes because it was too slow.
  17. Sound of Music is being shown at the Riviera Theater tomorrow night. Let's get this deal done! https://rivieratheatre.org/event/the-sound-of-music-1965/
  18. May a diseased yak squat in all their hot tubs.
  19. That was more of a nuisance.
  20. But, he plays two positions at the same time - so you only have to pay 9 other defensive starters...
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