You're right. I don't have a clue.................As usual, tonight my podcast was interrupted due to a dick on a bike. I could hear him coming from way down the street. My timing would have been that I was going to walk across the street at about the same time they noise was going to arrive, so I didn't. He did stop at the stop sign down the street. Then, really got revving for the 100-200 yards or whatever to the stop sign I was going to cross at. At this time he was going full throttle as fast as he possibly could, seemed to standing up, blew threw the stop sign like that, while two other cars were coming in the opposite direction.
Of course, I soon walked past a house with a "Look twice - save a life" sign. Ironic - that dick didn't even look once at the street that he crossed that he had the stop sign. And, if one of the two cars oncoming took the left that was their right of way - he would have dead.
But, yeah - I don't have a clue. I went to 30 seconds and it's noise. Period.