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Everything posted by bbb

  1. I remember watching this one live and it being great. Thanks.
  2. Which is a little weird because, physically, Bulldog could crush him.
  3. Maybe Mike can join 5 more fantasy leagues so we can hear all about them.
  4. I am baffled by the words "unwanted advances" - how the hell are you supposed to know if it's unwanted until you make the advance? If unwanted advances is a crime, then I should be on death row!
  5. It's only 15 years ago, but I just thought of a game I went to where I can specifically remember a position change. Yankee Stadium vs. Indians. I was disappointed that, because of injury, Omar Visquel was playing third base instead of shortstop. Wow, Pau Gasol is a rapist!?! Was that really his answer? I'm not finding anything on that.
  6. I only heard something about Fenway when I got back into my car and I was like "now WTF?" - but I have to say that I drank very heavily in high school and college (see how weekdays were the same as weekends in the summer during high school) and I never blacked out once. I did years later.................And, I might remember Brett playing a different position. I know I went to Toronto in 1983, saw the Yankees, was drinking beer - because I was out getting beer between innings and then came back and I said what happened and my friend said Dave Winfield threw a ball and killed a seagull.
  7. I have to admit that didn't ring true for me. High school summers were one long weekend pretty much. And, we were jocks, too. And, then the July 1st calendar thing kind of proves that it went from Weekends were Made for Michelob to Put a Little Weekend in Your Week.
  8. I drank as beer as anybody in high school, and I never once blacked out. I did later in life, but waayyy later, and when doing a lot of hard liquor.
  9. I hate to spring this on everybody at such a late date, but back in the early 80s, Kavanaugh raped every female that I knew. My mother, my sister, my girlfriend, the girl next door - every one of them.
  10. Haha - wow. That's one of the first things I'm finding hard to believe.
  11. I thought I was keeping up with this. What the hell does a Gorsuch letter signify?
  12. From everything I've seen, she seems to have Borderline Personality Disorder.
  13. Well, according to everybody on twitter, the presser was a disaster and proof that he is insane.
  14. You know who else heard Wagner - Hitler!!
  15. I was just reading an article on Rolling Stone, not about this but about the #metoo movement and found this line unbelievable: Contrarian trolls?!?
  16. Same here. I just don't care about the Ryder Cup, no matter how much hype it gets.
  17. They are/were both great with enthusiasm , but Van made a lot of mistakes, and not just in his older years. RJ would actually be the most perfect PBP man ever - if he only gave the score out once in awhile for those listening on the radio!!!
  18. All I know is that 100% of me hates somebody who says "a little rapey"
  19. I think he's pretty good on play by play...............But, I don't know if it's a function of my anxiety to know things right away, but he seems to not really give yardage info very good. He'll be like it's complete and he's going for more, etc. - but I have no idea if it was complete for 5 yards or 25 by his description, and usually have to wait till the end of the play to find out.
  20. Exactly. I got one on sale for a flat $7K
  21. I've never watched a single episode of Sesame Street or the Muppets (I'm not sure which show this is) - but I have wondered why they used the names Bert and Ernie - was it an homage to Bert and Ernie from It's a Wonderful Life?
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