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Everything posted by bbb

  1. What are the some of the polls that you're seeing? I want to take a look.
  2. It's good to know they'll do that!
  3. Did they knock you out for it?
  4. Those were really great days for the Sabres. The teams, IMO, were better than the Hasek teams, even if one of his made the finals.
  5. That's reassuring. Thankfully, I haven't had surgery in the 26 years since, and I've been really worried about it.
  6. That sucks, but it's not like feeling somebody slicing you up, even if I couldn't feel the pain. It was crazy.
  7. This happened to me. During my aforementioned hemorrhoid surgery. From what I've learned since, anesthesia is actually four different meds. One to put you to sleep, one so you don't remember, one so you don't feel the pain, and one to paralyze you so you don't move while they are operating. So, I wake up in the middle of surgery and I remember it - so two of the three aren't working. Fortunately, the pain one was. I've read since that people have woke up feeling the pain..............And, the paralyze one was working. So, I couldn't let the docs know I was awake.........................I put all my efforts into moving and somehow did because I heard one say "He's awake" and then I was out again. It was like those nightmares when you are trying to run but you can't. Horrible.
  8. I thought this was impossible: I'm Just a Middle-Aged House Dad Addicted to Pot Cannabis should be legal, just as alcohol should be legal. But marijuana addiction exists, and it almost wrecked my life. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/06/opinion/sunday/marijuana-addiction.html?action=click&module=Trending&pgtype=Article&region=Footer&contentCollection=Trending
  9. The twitter mob was all over Maher last night..................I have never liked Maher's supposed comedy nor his smugness, but I've always thought he was telling his truth. I thought it was bull when he got fired by ABC.
  10. I really don't have an issue with talking about the EC. But, not under these circumstances. Before the election, there would be national polls saying Trump has pulled even, Trump has gone slightly ahead, and whatnot................And every liberal I know said - who cares, it's all about the Electoral College. Then they want to declare victory and/or change the EC, after they lost.
  11. Are you saying that it was double reverse sarcasm? I think he gets that it was sarcasm to begin with.
  12. Yes. Some milk company had coupons that you cut off the carton - and it was like $2-3 a ticket...................But, I also went to the May Day Sabres playoff game for $6. I forgot what company had some similar thing, but it was that cheap.
  13. Yes, it does. Ah, easier to rape them all.....
  14. I'm talking about effort and the appearance thereof. When I watch it seems like guys don't even go after offensive rebounds until the fourth quarter. So, many rebounds just seem to go to whoever is just standing under the basket.
  15. Is this a new thing? I keep seeing it the last few days. Somebody talking and everybody repeating. It seems stupid.
  16. In the comments on Dovere's tweet is this. It's what I've been seeing for days: I just realized that this is, for many women - on the left - the same as the OJ trial for many black people. The facts of the case don't matter - it's supposed to represent some historical injustice.
  17. How can anybody know whether somebody is going to remember something. I'll say it again - I drank pretty much the most of anybody in college - and never once blacked out on anything.
  18. I thought you guys were calling a season when that guy went to the G League then he even blew that off? Akok Akok committed to SU?
  19. So, he said what most people on the right have been saying for weeks?!?
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