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Everything posted by bbb

  1. I'd really like to know, too..................China pays a lot. Andrew Nicholson of Bonas, who was the 19th pick in the NBA draft and played about 4 years or so in the league was making $3M a year when he first got to China. He's done really well and is probably making more at this point.
  2. I've never been there when it's empty. After high school games does not equate to when it is good. It's got a great atmosphere for Bills, Sabres and other games..........If you're going there for a great meal, you've gone to the wrong place.
  3. It definitely does. Every friggin thing claims it's family now. Every organization, school, etc.
  4. I am still having a hard time how somebody goes from Return on investment - to punched in the gut.
  5. I was just joking. It seems like every old adage has an opposite old adage.
  6. What about the old adage of "being greedy when others are fearful" I don't know which old adage to use!
  7. How is it well written when we all knew this stuff already? Because it's long?
  8. I guess people see what they want to see. I see a ton of words, not saying much.
  9. This guy has to be the dumbest of dumb asses
  10. If the two anonymous sources are legit, I'll give you the first bullet point. That is concerning. Point two - I figured as much on my own Point three - not sure what that really means Point four - I knew they were low. Good to get the up to the minute pricing.........Actually, shows to me that they have legit concerns all over their businesses - and aren't just being aholes. I'm not saying it's wrong, but I am saying it's biased - and an incredibly long and boring story saying the same thing over and over again. If you don't think it was set up to be a biased hit piece, I don't know what to tell you. His "research" is not reaching out to a a sample of a number of employees. His "research" is putting up a tweet saying disgruntled employees, let's hear your story! The only article that went on with the same thing over and over in a worse way was Vogl's so called interview with Larry Quinn. Every paragraph was him saying "it makes no sense" If he and the rest of the media and social media keep dragging them, you might not have either team to like for long.
  11. Well, I'll scratch the only thing in the whole article that actually said something.
  12. I agree. That number makes no sense!
  13. Tell me one thing you learned from this so called article. I'll tell you the only thing that had any meat to it. The fact that ticket sellers weren't getting their commissions. Everything else was just mush. That's how you get this mush I would think! Actually, Timmah's lazy writing leaves both interpretations now that I think about - could be my number over two years or yours over one. Who knows - it's from Timmah's "source"
  14. A source with knowledge of the numbers said the Sabres have been losing between $40 million and $60 million the past few seasons.
  15. Really? Cost cutting, cost cutting, cost cutting. Really well investigated enough to write a super long article repeating the same words. But, you have your vendetta so you buy in and think it's a great article.
  16. A lot of words to say the same thing over and over and over.
  17. You have 14 posts and most of them are about the Pegulas. Nothing suspicious here.
  18. There are few things I hate more than Bill Maher's audience.
  19. They better have the first round at home fields. These fans are not going to neutral sites three weeks in a row.
  20. bbb

    Name This Person

    Michael Strahan
  21. But, you quoted me saying this "Talk bout diluting the best regular season there is." - huge games that go on for three months will be rendered practically meaningless. LSU-Bama is the top game of the year for the last decade or so. With this, it wouldn't mean anything since they'd both be getting in the playoffs.
  22. You and Promo need to understand what the regular season means! ?
  23. This is one of the best posts I've ever seen on the subject. I'm getting in constant arguments about this.
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