I don't have any idea why people on the right think MSM is biased:
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Trending Now
Nov 4, 8:21 PM
The 2016 election showed that a candidate could win by stoking racism. Will Republicans who use that strategy find victory in 2018?
By running so overtly on racially tinged messages, the GOP is putting an explosive form of politics on the ballot. If Republicans maintain control of the House, the notion of running a campaign built on blunt, race-based attacks on immigrants and minorities will have been validated. A loss, on the other hand, might prompt a number of Republicans to call for a rethinking of the party’s direction — but that would collide with a sitting president who, if anything, relishes over-the-edge rhetoric.
The stakes for the party’s future are immense. Republicans now are an overwhelmingly white party, whereas Democrats represent a multiethnic coalition. The problem for Republicans is that the nation is moving swiftly in the direction of Democratic demographics.
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