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Everything posted by bbb

  1. Isn't that the saying - if you don't know who the dirtbag is, you're the dirtbag.
  2. I guarantee if I wore that snowblowing, that thing would keep falling down and I'd rip it up.
  3. WIll there be enough AAF interest here for it's own forum? The what?
  4. You did. It's Kamala Harris.
  5. He's definitely up to something. But, I think stealing hand signals is probably fair game. Or "tells"
  6. I think the refs made the right call in the Miracle City Miracle.
  7. The song I keep thinking of is Jussie's Girl.
  8. There seems to be 3 days in between when God could have created the egg.
  9. This is why, IMO, Trump is president. People got sick of everybody capitulating, which he never did............I finally got his appeal when he said the president and coach of Mizzou were cowards for resigning in the face of the bully mob.
  10. Goff gestated in Buffalo - I thought he'd be tougher than that!
  11. This and anything else you're typing about this incident was asked and answered two weeks ago. WTF
  12. Is 34 in a time warp from 2 weeks ago?
  13. When it's really cold, a MAGA hat just isn't going to cut it, so would be attackers just stay inside.
  14. I heard during the bye week that since the ten game winning streak, we have the least amount of points in the league...........Not sure if that was a function of the bye week. Does anybody know if that is still true?.................It seems like we never even get the loser point anymore.
  15. I actually thought both hate crimes and lynching would be covered under murder.
  16. Thanks. Oddly enough, since nobody replied to this before, I saw a post on FB that made me realize that one of my FB friends was into this. I asked her and so far I've joined the free site that the Mormons have. Found my father's WWII enlistment info. Still haven't found who his father is yet, though.
  17. Next up for Kamala - outlawing train robberies!
  18. Back when I heard about this when it was proposed I said Holy crap - lynching is legal??
  19. I guess Canada really does have a better medical system than we do.
  20. Good news. The sandwich was saved during this brutal lynching:
  21. Timely responses.
  22. I've never been in a 100 degree day. Closest was 99 in Virginia Beach and 97 in Buffalo in 1988.
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