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Posts posted by bbb

  1. Two corrections. The meeting that Howard and Robin left early for (Howard was telling her to hurry on the air) was the Tarantino roast. And Sirius didn't buy the Stern catalog, Howard bought it and now owns it himself.


    Based on the latter, your idea that he makes the catalog available for sale on iTunes--and then moves Howard TV to an iTunes distribution--makes sense. He could then do the new shows on Sirius, a website, or wherever. Part of his aversion to podcast, I believe, is that he would lose the "live" energy. MAximizing all revenue streams, he would


    (1) Make entire catalog available for sale on iTunes

    (2) Move Howard TV to iTunes

    (3) Offer his live show on a subscription basis on his own or under some other corp. umbrella.


    #1 is an untapped revenue stream right now.


    How about doing it live on Sirius and selling podcasts on itunes? I am not going to listen to him live, but I will pay for content.......Kornheiser does that, although he doesn't charge for the podcasts.

  2. At first, I was like this is a freaking joke, really? Howard 100 News, all news about the Stern show?! But it is amazing. If people see Stern show people, Eric the Midget or Jeff the Drunk all the way up to Beth or Howard they can call and tell the news show. They investigate things, as well, like the whole Sanjaya event, they able to track and see that he should not have been kicked off or the radio hall of fame. It turns out the radio hall of fame is not real, it's some guy who decided to make an award and hall of fame. He has it in his basement or something, the building he wanted got foreclosed from him.

    Yeah, it's actually pretty cool and gives great stories, like when someone poo'd on the floor Howard 100 News was all over.


    Yeah, I caught Jim Lehrer reporting that on PBS Newshour.

  3. Howard 100 news just had a big update, JD twittered last week a story some guy wrote about Howard going to Apple and that is what created the story and even had JD has the source and in some he was quoted in articles. It was just on Howard 100 News brief. I listen to Sirius about 12 hours a day.


    False alarm.


    Stern will be back on Sirius in 2011 for 3 years, somehow get even more vacation, and perhaps start at 7 or 8. Bubba will be back on Sirius but not the same. That's my bet.


    I have XM, but don't pay for Sirius. I'm all about podcasting. I need to be able to listen to things when I am not on the phone, etc.......I listen when I'm doing computer work....I would pay for Stern content.....I would also pay for Adam Carolla and Tony Kornheiser, but don't tell them that, because their podcasts are free.


    What is Howard 100 News - don't tell me it's news all about Howard?!?

  4. Howard has said that he is firmly against podcasting, saying it is not new radio; however, he if he still wants to be the king of all media the internet is still uncharted territory.


    I hope he does not go, I HATE anything Apple and have invested heavily in Sirius Equipment.


    Then what it be with apple/itunes if not a podcast?

  5. I can't believe MoDOPE still has a job? Is Ralph senile???


    Blurb from R D&C article sums it up:

    Here's the Bills' first-round draft pick report from Sunday. 2004, Lee Evans: Invisible as usual, until the game was out of reach; 2006, John McCargo: played for the first time all season and made a tackle; 2006, Donte Whitner: Played OK, made a pick but also drew a 15-yard personal foul penalty; 2007, Marshawn Lynch: Not on roster, traded to Seattle and playing lousy there; 2008, Leodis McKelvin, played the worst game of his undistinguished career; 2009, Aaron Maybin: Hey, he was active. 2009, Eric Wood: Injured and didn't play; 2010, C.J. Spiller: 14 touches, 102 yards including returns. Way to go, Tom Modrak, good job.'


    Except for Wood and CJ its a total mindboggling discrace! Most fans on this board could have picked better by just picking up a Pro Football Weekly magazine!


    I have been saying the same thing all year. Anybody on this board could have drafted better........It is maddening beyond belief and I don't even know how we climb out of this hole with so many busts and downright stupid picks that aren't even hindsight stupid - we knew they were stupid at the time.


    CJ Spiller would have had to been a top 5 NFL running back to justify picking him that high. He's not even top 50 at this point.

  6. They are yelling "Heeeath".


    The Ravens fans do the same thing. They yell "Heeeap".


    They just kind of do it in the same tone as the old Bruuuce chant. It doesn't really fit, but people like to make that noise for their big hoss types.


    Thanks - it really does sound like one of the oooooo chants. I guess the guy in front of me wasn't a dope.

  7. What the hell were the Steelers fans yelling last week whenever he made a catch. It sounded like Bruuuuce, or Mooooose, etc. And, I asked the Steeler fan in front me, albeit from Canada, and he said he and the rest of them are yelling Heath. Unless my ears are worse than I thought, no way were they yelling that.

  8. Two extremes. Brown would have the Bills doing no wrong and Dope & Lab Dog have them doing nothing right. The rest of us live in teh middle and would appreciate some balance.


    I am not of the opinion that S&B have the Bills doing nothing right (although I did used to think that way), but Brad Riter is a good middle ground that you're talking about.......He's not going to talk sports all the time, but he talks about the Bills when I want him to, basically.


    So, is that another picture of Green Lightning?

  9. I am so not handy, it's ridiculous. Everything around me a mess, due to my cat dying, 3 feet of snow being dumped on me, etc.....And, today is my busiest day of the year, where I need my printer to work like crazy.


    I bought this in the summer and it's been great and now all of a sudden, it keeps getting a paper jam. I can't get one sheet printed.


    Where do I even start - do I call HP help?

  10. I like them.


    I feel that they represent the non-Eternally-Optimistic (7-9 here we come!) Bills fans and their point of view quite often.


    You might feel that being down on your team and criticizing them invalidates your "fanhood" but many others disagree.


    Also, the way they handle the quality of the average caller to talk radio shows amuses me.


    Different strokes for different folks I guess. Suspecting that those who strongly oppose them would love a Chris Brown hosted pro-Bills show. I wouldn't really.



  11. You took what I was saying as a joke - that if the front office decided to take the players they want to take in the 7th round and free agency in the first round instead, they'd look like geniuses - and turned it into a federal case.


    Modrak made most of the picks and he's still here. Apparently, not "pulling the names off the board" like he did after Donahoe and before Nix, but you asked this You think Modrak makes the draft picks? Really?


    Here's what Mark Gaughan said:


    Bills owner Ralph Wilson likes and respects Modrak and essentially has given him a pass on the Bills' bottom-line results. Former GM Tom Donahoe was the man pulling the names off the draft board from 2001 through 2005, and Wilson holds him largely responsible for the results from that period. After that, Modrak pulled the names off the board, but he wasn't as much of a "definitive voice," if you will, that Donahoe was and Nix is. Former coach Dick Jauron, for instance, was the deciding voice on the Aaron Maybin pick.

  12. Can you send me my refund check before Christmas? I need to get a few more gifts. Thanks.


    Yes, I will forward the check on that I am supposed to be getting Donte Whitner, and the countless others who guaranteed victory and such. I can't even remember who they are because when they lose, as was pointed out, nobody remembers that they guaranteed it......You only remember Namath, Messier, etc. when they actually do win.

  13. Never before have I seen more postive attn given to a 2-9 team. A lot has come out of this season that we didn't expect. With Kyle Williams, Stevie Johnson, Freddy J, and Fitz getting the majority of the attn I think we all need to be pretty damn pleased with D-Bell. I may be wrong and cannot seem to find any stats online but I do not believe he has allowed a sack this year!! I think this is a huge step in the rebuilding process. As pessimistic as I was at the beginning of the year I must say that Buddy was right, we are not that far off! Go Bills!!


    If the front office would draft the guys they are thinking about as 7th rounders and free agents in the first round, they'd look like geniuses!

  14. Is that true??? (!!!!)


    You mean Johann Pachelbel, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Franz Liszt, Carl Orff, etc., etc., aren't actually part of the band?




    (NEWS FLASH: everything they do is a cheap rip-off of popular works from the classical and/or traditional repertoire - none of those TSO clowns have ever had an original musical thought in their lives.)


    I stand corrected. Beethoven and Liszt are part of the band that tours on the West Coast.

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