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Everything posted by bbb

  1. I thought Big Pharma killed him because he was making a doc about an herb healer?
  2. Yeah, she's already got a job lined up with Boeing. She seems to have a great attitude, and I think she's going to be fine.
  3. What is about hockey that coaches have such short tenures with teams, on average, than other sports?
  4. I think BB may be the hottest woman ever............The thing to me is she was the first to look like modern. Before that, women had perms etc. done with their hair and looked old when they were 18. My mother graduated high school in the early 40s, and I remember looking at her yearbook and thinking these 17-18 year old girls look old already. BB looked young!
  5. This is the Number One I'm so pissed I wasn't there concert. I had a ticket, with my friends, in the 2nd row...................Exactly a year before (12/4/80 - greatest weekend of my life) my prof at Bona let me take the exam on Thursday instead of Friday so I could see Springsteen.................I figured for sure my prof my soph year would let me do the same. NO!!!!!................I gave my ticket to my friend who for some odd reason, kept rubbing it into my face for years about what a great concert I missed!
  6. Thank God! It means that I don't have to root for UB this year. Or at least be conflicted.
  7. How many were in the class?
  8. I recruit doctors. It's insane to me that a woman will go to college for 4 years, med school for 4 years, do an internship for 1 year, and then do say 3-5 years of residency................And, then tell me she only wants a part time job because she just got married and wants to have kids. Between that and knowing so many women who were on the fast track but then got married to rich guys instead and became housewives, I want to scream when I see things like April 2nd being the day that women have to work to for free basically. There is no gender pay gap when it's broken down statistically.
  9. Earlier in the thread (I think it's this one), I had argued with one or two people who said Roger said this about the Stones. I said you guys remember the line, but it was Pete who said it..............My memory is pretty vivid that it was Pete, but I can be wrong. Thanks for the offer, but I have no idea how file sharing, etc. works.
  10. We're going to have to come up with hot 80 year olds?
  11. Didn't his wife have Stage 4 breast cancer? Any word on how she is doing?
  12. I would argue that it doesn't.
  13. You just work for the government and are suppressing the information!
  14. Is it Pete or Roger saying it?
  15. Which one is still legal?
  16. So we're listing hot women in their 60s? Here's Susanna Hoffs. She's 60 now. This was 14 months before she turned 60. Doubt she's hit the wall since:
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