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Everything posted by bbb

  1. You remember that day so well, yet you thought he committed suicide? I'm a little confused.
  2. Sometimes I've wondered this:
  3. I did a lot of tit-rating in college, too.
  4. That game sucked............I could tell them apart on running plays because the camera was closer. But, on passing plays I had no idea who to root for to catch the ball! The thing is I think the colors look really cool when I see pictures from that game. Because they are closer up pictures.
  5. That's him! He had Earl Campbell type thighs!
  6. Close enough!.............Seems like the same muscles are used in both sports. That guy who won 5 speed skating golds (I think) at Lake Placid was a great bicylist, too. I'm blanking on his name.
  7. Sarah Hughes won gold in figure skating. Are you sure on the name?
  8. Is that a spin-off?
  9. I have never watched a show with dragons, vampires or zombies.
  10. The Yankees screwed Ronan Tynon for making a joke - in his apartment.
  11. What do you mean by compromised?
  12. I've never said that pot should be illegal. Where are you getting that?.................My beef is always with people like you claiming it's harmless.
  13. I'd rather be dead than live a lifetime of psychosis. If you don't think pot causes psychosis, then you have your head in the sand.
  14. Pot is harmless. If you don't mind psychosis Five years after Colorado first legalized marijuana, a new study shows pot’s bad effects are sending more people to the emergency room. Inhaled marijuana caused the most severe problems at one large Denver area hospital. Marijuana-infused foods and candies, called edibles, also led to trouble. Patients came to the ER with symptoms such as repeated vomiting, racing hearts and psychotic episodes. https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/marijuana-er-denver-hospital-study/ Weed use is taking off as more states move to legalize it. And with all the buzz over medical marijuana, it's starting to gain an aura of healthfulness. But there are some serious health risks associated with frequent use. One of the more troubling ones is the risk of having a psychotic episode. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/03/19/704948217/daily-marijuana-use-and-highly-potent-weed-linked-to-psychosis And, nobody has ever died from pot: Three deaths in Colorado tied to edible products also prompted the study. Emergency room records from Monte’s hospital show a three-fold increase in marijuana cases since the state became the first to allow sales of recreational marijuana in January 2014. Nearly a third of patients were admitted to the hospital, evidence of severe symptoms, Monte said. That is from the first link.
  15. Rod B. sees it different and this is how I saw it, just from the replays that I saw, which started with a little back and forth. I really like Ovi, but I think he's lying: Brind'Amour said Tuesday he isn't so sure that Svechnikov asked for the fight. "There's two version going around. I'll just leave it at that," he said. It's a little bit tough, because I just heard Ovi talk about it; he said our guy challenged him. So, if that's the case, it's a little different. If you watch the video, he slashes him twice -- Ovi, whack, whack -- then Svech gets him back. I don't know if there's words exchanged, but one guy's gloves come off way first. And that's Ovi, not our guy. "So, it's a little but frustrating, because he got hurt. It's his first fight. He's played 90 games. He's never fought in his life, and I'm pretty sure Ovi knew that. So, that stuff bothers me." http://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/26537226/canes-teen-concussion-protocol-fight
  16. I was thinking about this recently. I'm inclined to dismiss any Dems on social media, etc. just by the way they present their ideas. It's not like here's a plan. It's Eff you, Republicans, here's a plan!
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