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Everything posted by bbb

  1. Nope. You just do it the old fashioned way. Whoever was within 4 points of the 8 spot on Halloween gets in the playoffs. Game on!
  2. Yeah, that's exactly the type of questions I was asking at the time (Day One of this) and nobody had the answers. (Not here) Why am I supposed to be seeing him run away but I see him run towards? Who is filming? And, why does the camera move away right when the most important thing happens - the two start to engage each other? 1st World Parent @1stWorldParent · 5h Replying to @Timcast While he didn't deserve to die, why LIE to me about him being a runner? If there's a REAL problem with racism in our country, it wouldn't be so hard to expose it without MAKING UP stories. This is ALWAYS my problem with the lies about Trump and the lies with these racial things. If it's so bad, just go with the truth. I had somebody (super liberal) message me on Facebook with a picture of the former cop who is now charged with his arm around GA Gov. Kemp at a campaign stop - posing for a picture.................The guy had a shirt saying Mohammed isn't God, and a bunch of other similar garb on. It took me all of three seconds to google and be shown that isn't the guy being charged at all, and instead some yahoo from year's ago. Can't liberals do a little fact checking before spreading things around?!?
  3. Before I clicked on any video, I had been reading tweets saying that I was going to see two rednecks chase down an unarmed black man................I was totally confused when I"m thinking I'm seeing the black guy run TOWARDS the said rednecks.
  4. Thanks for the tip. I'll dig into my seat cushions..................Because that's exactly what I was saying when I said that the 20 second video doesn't have me convinced of anything. Either way.
  5. I seem to be the only person who isn't convinced that I saw a murder in the video. For one, I was told that I was going to see two rednecks chase down an unarmed black guy. So, I watch the video, and I'm totally confused - as he seems to run right towards them. Then, the camera goes haywire just at the moment the confrontation got physical. It's hard to tell what happened but it seems that Ahmaud charged at Sonny. Dad possibly fires a warning shot. Ahmaud and Sonny struggle for the gun and Sonny was on the shooting end of the gun. Plus, you don't see what led up to this at all. It looks like it could be murder but those 20-30 seconds or whatever don't convince me, for whatever reason. Oh, and the jogging part sounds like nonsense - in boots and 12 miles from his house.
  6. Lebron has to dodge bullets every day - like Hilary on the tarmac
  7. He also started wearing a leather jacket to throw off the cops who might have suspected him in Chuck's murder.
  8. Is that where Saul Goodman went to law school?
  9. But what about if you've done some charity work?
  10. Lebron decides MJ is getting too much publicity lately and he needs to insert himself. Literally hunted every day?!? What?!?
  11. bbb

    Name This Person

    Kelly McGillis?
  12. Ross on Friends
  13. bbb

    Name This Person

    I think I've seen this and the answer was Steve Jobs?
  14. bbb

    Name This Person

    2nd win in 6 months or however long this has been going!
  15. bbb

    Name This Person

    Alison Janney?
  16. I think this was a good and fair article: https://www.soccerwire.com/resources/boehm-how-the-uswnt-overplayed-their-hand-in-the-pay-equity-court-case/
  17. I am typing this mainly to get all the facts straight in my head: - the women were offered the same contract as the men, but turned it out, and took the more secure one, with benefits, etc. - they then scream about equality all last summer and simpletons just cheer them on - I believe after the final game, the crowd changed Equal Pay! (bonus points for Rapinoe being the ahole ringleader in all this) - the reason that the bonuses for the Men's World Cup are higher seems pretty simple: The prize money for the 2019 Women's World Cup was $30 million vs. $400 million for the 2018 Men's World Cup. The pie is just smaller, period. -
  18. Sanity prevails over BS: https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/01/us/uswnt-equal-pay-claims-dismissed/index.html
  19. bbb

    Name This Person

    "When did Ozzy become an actor?"
  20. bbb

    Name This Person

    Adolf Hitler?
  21. bbb

    Name This Person

    If anybody gets this, without cheating like I did, I'll tip my beret to them
  22. Good thing "Governor Cuomo appoints Buffalo Bills owner Kim Pegula to New York re-opening advisory board" If they he had appointed the Sabres owner that would have been really stupid. She don't know anything.
  23. I would think the exact same thing as you. I would think the broker always wants to paint as rosy a picture as possible. Does anybody know how real estate prices have done in the last few months?
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