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Everything posted by bbb

  1. Don't know the date of her surgery, but I can't stand those fake ones - on her or anyone. Her IQ must be incredibly low to think going from 0 to 110 in 1 second is a good idea. She would be incredible looking without those balloons. She also didn't go to college, to pursue her entertainment career. Despite both parents being famous, the foot in the door doesn't seem to be helping, as the only thing I think she does is have her picture taken.........Haven't heard a thing about her singing career. And, then she goes out with my least favorite golfer, Dustin Johnson. I can't stand him because he also seems like such a dope. They are really matched up well, I have to say.
  2. Seriously, I'm never getting back the time that I just wasted reading this crap. Who the !@#$ are we talking about?!?
  3. I understand your first sentence - it must be in PR 101 or something, because winning The Masters or a gold medal would sure not make me humble!...............I don't get your 2nd sentence about Magic.
  4. Now THAT'S ironic!
  5. Yeah, I have to say it's never happened to me, and I rarely will call it whatever it says on the board.
  6. Sorry if this has been posted already, but here is another reason not to drugs. Dude strips naked on street at Buffalo Library, takes on a car, and losses - probably NSFW, since the dude is naked:
  7. Don't get me wrong. I don't know anything about him other than he was in jail, came out, and seemed to be huge with people much much younger than me...........But, he seems like a pretty big name, to be brain dead or whatever he is.
  8. Wow. Kind of odd that this isn't on CNN or other sites, except for the TMZ types. But, TMZ had the Michael Jackson thing right that whole day.
  9. It got called no fumble those 3 times?
  10. Has it ever been called besides the Brady game? There was one play in the playoffs, can't remember which one now, that I and a lot of people thought it should have applied, but it wasn't called.
  11. Are you thinking like I'm thinking - get the team(s) settled in LA before our lease is up?
  12. LOL - I'm calling as Tex Schram.
  13. Yes, Dr. James Andrews says he's good to go!
  14. Gum. Seriously.
  15. What was the story on Littman with Wilford? I always blamed Wilford for signing that escalator contract that no way the Bills could match.............I think that was then outlawed, and I kept hearing about the Bills getting compensatory picks, and I swear we never actually did get anything.
  16. Again?!? Holy crap - I didn't get to see the game, but I know going in they given up the most short handed goals.
  17. I agree. I like what Buddy had to say, and if that's what got Fitz out of here, that's a good thing...........Great guy, but having him around as a backup would not be good, and as a starter would be demoralizing.
  18. Let's suck for Luck!
  19. What?!? The National Football League has more resources than Gawker?!?
  20. It's the weirdest thing. People I know who normally would never litter will toss a cigarette anywhere, including my lawn!
  21. Watching the power play is so frustrating!
  22. I can live with the soda thing, but the people there saying tennis shoes makes no sense.
  23. Nobody really gives a crap what you hillbilies call it. They just put the colors in there to fill out the map.
  24. To what? A contender only?
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