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Everything posted by bbb

  1. Friggin CNN looks like they aspire to be the NY Post with their reporting of an arrest being made.
  2. About effing time! It's been almost 48 hours.
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/17/us/boston-blasts/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  4. There's always a contrarian!
  5. Lowest common denominator, I guess. Yet, every guy I've ever heard likes Mary Anne over Ginger, Bailey over whatever Loni Anderson's name was on WKRP, etc.
  6. How's 19? She looked like this and within a few months, Hugh Hefner had her on the cover of Playboy as a blonde and the fake plastic stuff was started:
  7. For juicers?
  8. You're the Hollywood expert - was it just the mindset of the 90s that anything bigger and blonder was going to make more money? She certainly became possibly the sex symbol of the decade..............But, was so not my cup of tea. That picture above - that's my cup of tea.
  9. http://www.theonion.com/articles/this-is-a-tragedydoes-it-really-matter-exactly-how,32076/?ref=auto
  10. Run, Yasmine, Run.
  11. My friend in Boston has been watching coverage non-stop. She told me that they did bomb sweeps twice that day. So, it seems there was only about a two hour window - after the first finishers crossed, that this could have been done. I'm quite confident that will figure this out.
  12. Anything better than what some guy who looks like a goofball says to sell some books.
  13. This is what I think. My mother would always say "This world is going crazy" every time something like this would happen..........And, I'd say "Ma, you lived through World War II - what could be crazier than that?" But, do you have any data to show that these are the least violent times in human history? I'd love to have some backup to what I think to be true.
  14. I can't see it being her dumping SNF. Why would she give up an easy pay day and exposure like that?
  15. From that article is this picture. I've seen pictures of her before her bleach blonde days before and really like how she looked then much better. Plus, she has incredible legs - but nobody knows because of those stupid fake balloons she put on her chest. Can't stand what she turned into, but she started out great:
  16. I love my vitamix. But, it's a lot more than $100. 2 or 3 horsepower.
  17. I don't think if he was bombing the building that he would be on the roof. Not exactly the safest place.
  18. You'll probably need to have a vote in OP.
  19. Well, I've been to hundreds of games now and never got hurt or anything, so I'm not worried about it.
  20. I haven't had a drink in something like 17 years (I'm waiting for you the rest of you guys to catch up)..............And, yet I would hate this idea. I hate the fact that smoking is banned, and I haven't done that in at least 15 years. I want people to have as much fun as they want. I personally always have fun, whether I drink or not..........My friends I go with all drink - but only at the opener do they actually get drunk. We go to the games mainly for the games. 28 years and counting.
  21. I don't get why anybody would think this is the Nielson rule. It only makes sense, and all your points say why.
  22. I thought it had something to do with that - where did they move the return center to? Idiots! And, yes I am a procrastinator!
  23. I thought when it's Patriots Day in Mass. and Maine on that day, they make it the 16th?
  24. Is it really legal now to have an open container? That is the surprising part to me. I just figured the sheriffs looked the other way. From that article: “To me this is a huge quality of life issue,” Assistant Police Chief E. Joseph Wehrfritz told the Orchard Park Town Board at a work session Wednesday night. “Go up to Route 20 and Abbott Road on a given football game day, you would think you’re in the midst of Mardi Gras.” And, the problem is what??
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