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Everything posted by bbb

  1. From the Buffalo News music critic Jeff Miers article yesterday, serving as both a review of 5/25 and a preview of 6/6 (Toronto shows): The ACC show featured no opening act – this was “An Evening with the Rolling Stones,” then, and the group would end up making it an action-packed one, cramming some 22 songs into roughly 2½ hours of alternately uber-sloppy and air-tight rock ’n’ roll. And: So do the Stones still matter? Yes. No band has made it longer. No band stretches back to the very roots of rock ’n’ roll with the same unerring conviction. And no other band has so stubbornly refused to “get better” over the years – the Stones remain a loud, sloppy, shambolic garage band, and there’s integrity suggested by that fact. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130601/CITYANDREGION/130609869 Oh, and the times I have seen Gimme Shelter played by the Stones (they didn't do it every time I've seen them), it has been the #1 highlight of many highlights of the show.
  2. I think Byrd has said he wants to stay in Buffalo, which is good. But, I think Levitre said the same thing.
  3. If Goldson is indeed what Parker wants for Byrd, then I would be all for paying that. The Bills have had so few playmakers that I don't care what position it's coming from, we can't let another one go..............I think he's worth highest paid safety right now. If Parker is looking for more than that, that's where I think he's unreasonable.
  4. I have to ask for the 2nd time today, what's (asinine) money? It seems that nobody knows what he's asking for.............I'm willing to bet the Bills are willing to make him the highest paid safety, and I think they should..........But, I have the feeling Parker is asking for even more.
  5. Oh yeah - one of those technicalities!
  6. Was the dog underage?
  7. Yeah, sounds like your neighbors really suck..
  8. Haha - I did the same thing with John Guy...............And, until this season, I assumed JJ Watt was black. What's a big contract? I don't know what Parker is demanding for Byrd? It seems that the Bills have made every right move since the end of the season, including franchising Byrd. I'll assume that they also are willing to pay Byrd as the highest paid safety, because he might be the best right now, and it's all a matter of timing anyway. (The Bills proved with the signing of Mario, they are willing to spend) Does anybody have any idea what the Byrd side is demanding?
  9. That cash has done great things. When I was a kid, a cancer diagnosis sounded like a death sentence. That is no longer the case, at all.........The Yankees broadcast last night had an appearance by Michael Milliken, who is very involved in prostate cancer research. He teamed up with the Yankees 18 years ago, and either since then or in the last ten years (forget which one) - the death rate from prostate cancer has decreased by 50%. That's unreal! Cancer is a thousand different diseases and there will not be a "cure for cancer." You find this stuff out when your family has it. I actually have to say that I know way way more cancer survivors than people who died from cancer. From the little bit I've read on this type, I think Jimbo will beat this as well.
  10. It seemed like it was depressing so that's why I never sat down to watch it. I never watched AfterMASH either.
  11. Have you ever done autoerotic asphyxiation?
  12. OK. Then Michael Hutchence.
  13. Really interesting how Parker came from the inner city with no father, etc. and worked his way up to being highly respected by both players and owners/mgt. I don't agree with all his tactics (not leaving one dollar on the table, the poison pill for the Jets/Curtis Martin, renegotiating Jason Peters over and over), but he does seem like a real solid guy: http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130602/SPORTS/130609848/1004
  14. So did David Carradine.
  15. LOL - good call. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
  16. I think the golf is always on Monday. There was something yesterday, but I think the dinner is tonight. I would think he'll talk about this there?
  17. This actually wasn't All in the Family by that time. It was Archie Bunker's Place, which I never watched an episode of........Until one day I was stuck at my friends house and he wasn't home yet and his parents had it on the TV. This episode, in the summer rerun time...........And, it was such a great emotional episode.
  18. Did you get implants, too?
  19. !@#$ing stupid hobby if you ask me.
  20. It is really crazy how these places actually are running out of drugs. She might be right on that one!............In cany case, it sure doesn't seem like a good idea, esp. if she's had hallucinations before!
  21. Well, much as in life, the aholes are a vast minority on this thread.
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