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Everything posted by bbb

  1. OJ was on the NBC studio show with Costas at the time. He was still tied to the NFL. I haven't read every word on this. Is he part of a real gang, like the Bloods or whatever, or do you mean AH and his boys?
  2. How is Martin's character irrelevant? Doesn't it take two to tango?
  3. The Adam and Drew show is such a disappointment. It could be great, but all they do is rehash things they've talked about a million times and then finally take callers at the end.............Take the callers at the beginning and riff off of them. When they were on Loveline, they knew exactly how to do it.
  4. I was watching yesterday when the defense attorney gave her that sheet to read lines 18-23, and I could tell she didn't know how to read it............But, I guess I do wonder then how she tweets?
  5. That's what I'm saying, too.
  6. He should have said "Pretty good. Whacked two guys last week."
  7. She said she can't read cursive.
  8. And now her twitter has disappeared.
  9. You know the rule, as shown above, is that you have to comb through 55 pages of this thread in order not to double post and then be called out on it.
  10. There's a video on youtube of the epic "possible last ever" and what turned out to be Clarence Clemons' last concert ever with Bruce and the ESB - 11/22/09 in Buffalo. Tickets were going for $500 because of the hype and 22 private jets with Hollywood stars, etc. flew into Prior Aviation that Sunday.................Anyway, the video is Cindy and Bruce singing right in front of me on the 2nd stage. She's still touring with the band right now.
  11. Is Mr. Bills reading last year's news?
  12. I only saw a little bit, but I thought he looked really good for having just gone through that a few weeks ago............When this news came out, I was thinking he might end up like Roger Ebert.
  13. If I'm hearing this right, she was on the phone and texting with him all day that day. Then she hears him get into an altercation, and seems to have said there's Trayvon being Trayvon. She never even bothers finding out how he is...........And, she sure doesn't seem concerned about "justice for Trayvon."
  14. But, you'll look horrible in your casket. My great uncle offed himself this way and he was blue.
  15. Man, Precious was a hoot today. She's so bothered by having to spend another day there, and maybe a few hours on the witness stand. She must have important work to do back in Miami.
  16. rob delaney ‏@robdelaney 1h "I put a spell on you!! Because you're a mime!"
  17. They should make it easier.
  18. I was going out the door and heard her say something about great she was when talking to the judges. Well, she was still hot.
  19. I just happened to have this on for five minutes and the contestant was from Buffalo...........She was pretty hot, but she was a mime so of course everybody hated her.
  20. Zero. I don't even know the number.
  21. No, but ironically it had a middling quarterback named Ponder.
  22. I was wondering what I missed about Pete going to California, too!
  23. And, for the first time ever - like them - I was like Whoa! Yeah, I really don't get the Bob-Joan thing. And, Bert sounds so good in those few scenes where he is the patriarch of the firm. That was a great scene with the partner meeting on Thanksgiving.
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