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Everything posted by bbb

  1. I don't get it. It seems like there's always video of before and after, but not of the start of the actual encounter.
  2. The rules back then were that home games were blacked out even if the game sold out................My Dad, Grandmother and Great Uncle went and booked a motel room in Rochester to watch the AFL Championship game that was in Buffalo (I think the other was in San Diego and I'm not sure about the one with KC to go to SB I
  3. I have often had arguments with my friends about the best Petty songs, and I vote with you, and my friends mainly vote for American Girl.............But, for personal reasons, The Waiting is my favorite, even though I know Running is a better song.
  4. There's about three pictures all time of her legs, too...............And, they look great. I think I read where she didn't like them.
  5. Smart move! When I'm in the car, I listen to Boom 97.3 out of Toronto quite a bit...............A better playlist, by far, than 97 Rock.........And, you definitely do notice the Canadian content.
  6. I had been looking forward to that like crazy since the schedule came out. I was 11 years old................That day, I got soooooo friggin sick................I begged and pleaded to go anyway............Smashcut to me listening to the game on the radio (no TV then) in bed, sick as a dog, saying my parents were right. A bittersweet night with that great result. It was a miserable rainy night, IIRC
  7. It seems like the Stones, Springsteen Beatles, etc. had music before 1980. But, you wouldn't know it on 97 Rock. It's all AC/ZZ etc.
  8. "God have mercy on the man who doubts what he's sure of" - Bruce Springsteen
  9. Exactly. I turned it on Friday when they were in the 400s and it was enjoyable. Songs I hadn't heard it a long time.
  10. Interesting that Heart qualifies for Canadian content. What about Rick James?? 100% agreed. The Waiting would be in my personal top 20. Free Fallin is a dirge that I can't turn the channel fast enough on.
  11. I used to think it was "I like smokin' lighting - and a little thunder" I think mine's better.
  12. God, I hate this more every year. The songs 400-500 for the most part are better than 1-100. Satisfaction is #20. The top Stones song. Their most mediocre song - Start Me Up, is next up for them. The Beatles top out at #22. Who in the world ever heard Free Fallin' and thought this is one of the top 20 songs of all time. It's not one of the top 2000 songs of all time. The only thing that I like is that Under Pressure, which I loved from Day One and only got up to I think #29 on the charts is actually #32 here - of all time....................I championed that song when it was out and couldn't believe it didn't make it up higher than 29.
  13. I saw a few more pictures that definitely prove your point.......Turns out she's had quite a few mugshots!
  14. Would this change your mind?.....................This story happened in 2014. Are we like ESPN here, just rehashing content because there is nothing else going on?
  15. bbb

    Name This Person

    Didn't Lennon claim to be the best drummer in The Beatles?!?
  16. bbb

    Name This Person

    Much like John Prine, I've always known the name, but really didn't know what he's done. I've always had it in my mind that he's a producer, which I don't pay a lot of attention to.
  17. bbb

    Name This Person

    Here's a hint (since I cheated). You can put up a picture of this guy from any day of his life and I wouldn't know who he was.
  18. This was actually the other day when he was on Long Island. The day after he talked about looking forward to watching the Bills - when he was in Buffalo. Today, they got a little smarter and just put up all the major league shields up - not individual teams.
  19. bbb

    Name This Person

    Derek Roy?
  20. bbb

    Name This Person

  21. I smell some human trafficking going on...........
  22. How about something in the middle of this state sponsored radio - and total aholes Sully and Sal M?
  23. And, the best of that was Monday Evening Quarterback with Larry Felser the night after a Bills game.
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