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Everything posted by bbb

  1. I really hope you're Rosie Leaks
  2. Haha. That damn tainted bash!.....................Actually, Grateful Kevin lived on either 2nd or 3rd. He was quite the entrepreneur!
  3. Jeez - I knew Brett Favre played a long time but I didn't know it was THAT long!
  4. After a decade of rooting against the Dolphins, I was forced to root for them. I used to say I'm never doing that again. Last time I did that, they killed John Lennon. So, every time I've seen U2 in Buffalo, Bono talks about that night. And, he did again the other night, in Seoul. But, this is what he said (WTF?!?) “Let’s turn this concrete sky arena into a cathedral,” Bono said. “We think about a great peacemaker we lost December 8th, 39 years ago tonight: John Lennon. We lost John Lennon, great peacemaker, great soul. This band were right outside of New York City when we heard the news. We still feel it.” (To be more exact, the band was in Buffalo, New York, playing a gig at Stage One when it happened. They’d just played their first American show two days earlier at the Ritz in New York City to about 25 people.) https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/watch-u2-dedicate-pride-to-john-lennon-at-first-ever-south-korea-concert-924048/ I was a freshman at Bona!.........My favorite team ever, too...........I was at the library and was told the Dolphins scored, so I went back to 4th Shay to watch the rest in the only room on the floor with a TV. I get in the room, with about 15 hallmates crammed in there, and they say "Did you hear what happened??" I said Yeah, the Dolphins scored...........No, John Lennon got killed! How do you know that Fergy's foot was broke? I always heard it was a badly sprained ankle.
  5. That makes sense in being a factor.
  6. That's exactly what I was thinking. But, it would be interesting to know for sure. I was 7 years old that winter of 69-70 and I have a lot of memories of that. What? They're going to raise the roof?................I remember being at Chestnut Ridge (which is how I know we at least knew we had a coming NBA team in the winter, too) about what the name was going to be and my Dad said "It should be the Braves"..............I was thinking no way, that's just because his high school that he taught/coached at were the Braves..................I also went to my first hockey game - and rooted for the Bisons as they won the Calder Cup in that last year of existence. Go Guy Trottier and Gilles Villemeure.
  7. I'm surprised the WaPo actually sent this out via email. Democracy Dies in Darkness Trending Now Dec 5, 1:28 PM Slurs were scrawled on an Indiana church after Trump’s election. The investigation uncovered an unlikely suspect — and a hoax. "Heil Trump," a swastika and an anti-gay slur spray-painted on St. David’s Episcopal Church were part of a string of high-profile hate crime reports in 2016. Then the detective on the case in rural Brown County began to suspect it was something else. Could the hateful graffiti plastered on the side of the church have been written by somebody who planned to sit in the pews Sunday morning? Read more » Although it was pretty apologetic to the perpetrator. And, it had this: Real hate crimes far outnumber fake ones. Exact estimates vary, but academic researchers put the number of confirmed hate hoaxes in 2016 in the dozens — a tiny fraction of the 6,121 crimes of bias reported that year to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Why is it I can't even remember any that actually were real. I'm sure there are some, but out of the ones in that the media reports on, they almost all have turned out to be hoaxes............And, surely they don't far outnumber the fake ones.
  8. How legit is the claim that that Rachel Jeantel or whatever was not the one on the phone?
  9. Bulldog called him the worst. And, he got pissed off................He is the worst. He said his favorite teams are his fantasy teams. He cares more about them than the Bills or any other team.............If I were a fantasy person (I actually hate the whole thing, mainly because of this reason), I would do exactly what Bulldog said. Start Jackson. But, root for the Bills and if Jackson has a good day and gets you points, fine. But, I'd never be rooting for him.
  10. I loved that show! They'd never get away with things like when a reporter or whoever was near a high school, saying, Oh yeah, we know what you're checking out............Or, saying I"d drink her bathwater............Or even the Fa King!
  11. I learned when they were talking about the different stadium sites that all stadiums have to face that way - otherwise the sun will be blinding going into it. Totally agree with you on the in game experience being better
  12. I remember it happening, but that might have been later in the 90s because I also remember many game weeks when they'd announce they are down to single seats, and I'd think who is going to buy a single seat.............Since I've had to sell my one ticket a few times this year (that I sit with my friends) - I've found out a lot of people buy single seats. It seems like that's what's been done with the ever changing name that the Dolphins play in.
  13. Now Zimmerman sues over this: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article238030539.html
  14. The Redskins demand SHOULD be four dollars.....................I agree about ownership but this is about supply and demand on the secondary market. Not the owners.
  15. Honestly, I don't really know what you're talking about. This made me think it's a little like 1987. Polian was complaining because either we didn't sell out or had trouble selling out the Patriots game in December when somehow it had playoff implications. He said your 2nd sentence. But, I do think people make football plans way early. Mostly out of towners, but also probably some people in town..............I know a number of people who picked the Eagles game to come to for their one game..............But, next year, maybe a later game vs. a big opponent will have the same demand that the late season 1988 games did.
  16. Did the Braves become official before or after this date?
  17. To be clear, I'm sure the stadium will be full on Sunday..............But, I expected demand to be through the roof. We've been dying for a game to be this important in December for sooooo long.
  18. That's a good point. That's why I said maybe we need a dome............In addition to the out of towners Jamie mentions, it seems to me a lot less women go to December games..............I know women who will only go to the warm weather games. And, it seems like there a lot less in the stands...........But, they will go to Sabres games in the winter. I really don't want a dome. I love the weather games. It seems like the masses don't, though. True, but those December/January games in 90/91 the offense could not have been better.
  19. The lowest priced tickets right now are $39. I don't know exactly what it was for the Eagles game, but I know it was way higher. Where I sit in 113, it is a difference of probably 80-100 bucks - until it became apparent the weather was going to suck for the Eagles game.
  20. I'm really surprised that ticket prices on Stubhub are way less for Sunday's game than they were for the October game vs. the Eagles. Sunday's game is much bigger.................I guess demand just is not there when the calendar turns to December.
  21. Thanks for explaining it, but isn't it backwards logic for Massare to claim they clinched the tiebreaker - it all depends on the other games?
  22. I get what you're saying, but wouldn't it be the same thing if the Pats had won? The common opponents wouldn't change.
  23. Hard to prove? Sounds like a piece of cake
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