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Everything posted by bbb

  1. When Trump got booed (partially) at the World Series it was trending like crazy on twitter.............Monday night - my trending topics went to 30 and not one of them had anything to do with this and for the first time in 4 years, none had anything to do at all with Trump.
  2. I think she's 17 now and looks 10
  3. bbb

    Name This Person

    Peter Frampton?
  4. The quality of the last two are lacking. I have to bring this back up to speed:
  5. I hated Hackett so bad. It was the year of Chip Kelly and this notion of getting a million plays off..............So, Hackett decides this would be a great way to break in a rookie quarterback.
  6. She just lost a tourney to Serena Williams and won 7 games in 2 sets............I don't care what your resources are, very few can ever make it that far.
  7. I think I might have cried that night. I loved those Chiefs. (Hank Stram had signed my cast on my arm in 1970, after they won the Super Bowl)............ I said "Dad, the Dolphins stunk like us (the Bills) - how did they get good??" He said "They got a guy named Don Shula, who knows what he wants and does it."
  8. I'm pretty sure those would not have been the divisional round.
  9. Contrast that with a bunch of tweets I saw the other night while WWIII was raging that went like this: Kheartz @kheartzTV · Jan 7 Replying to @Avo_NP I literally live in Manhattan 2 4 Tinybitt23 @tinybitt23 · Jan 7 Brooklyn here 3 1 Dizzy :) @jasonlikeseggs · Jan 7 Queens here lmao 1 Get Russ A Chip @Jaedenplays1 · Jan 7 How about Philly pray for me
  10. This was bugging me, so I looked on reddit to see what people were saying about it, and came across this:
  11. After all this - that's what needs to answered - WTF was that third hand?!?
  12. What?!? I'm on twitter - and I went though both a dpression and World War - in 6 months! My parents took 15 year to do that bull####.
  13. Am I not supposed to believe Elizabeth Warren that her Medicare for All will cost $20.5 trillion?
  14. What are "exceptions" numbers?..............The Spiders are really playing well this year!
  15. I used to believe the hype about my parents generation...............But, I've been on twitter as we went through a Great Depression due to the 10 year Treasury note going below the 2 year rate................Now I've survived WWIII, which obviously would have to be bloodier than WWII, just as WWII was bloodier than WWI ........I'm thinking we're the Greater Generation.
  16. Biden called this early
  17. I believe they consulted a few people on this thread who have seen it over and over with their very own eyes. Yeah, and he was wrong, too.........The ball doesn't hit the ground (until after it is flipped)
  18. Down 15, win by 12! Osun 8 points, 18 rebounds, 5 blocks, ZERO fouls so 40 minutes!
  19. Then why isn't it in the rule book?
  20. Either way, I think it was a major problem. Substitute refs overruling the head ref, who had the rule right, is quite a problem.
  21. Ha - I knew I had seen something similar before!
  22. My thinking is that the NYC people got in the men in black's ears (there seemed to be four of these mystery men) and they came running on the field. Is anybody talking about the 20 other plays? This is where we're talking about this one.
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