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Everything posted by bbb

  1. bbb

    Name This Person

    And now Zac is playing Keith's role in The Who.
  2. bbb

    Name This Person

    *****. I cheated and I don't even remember the answer! Although it was a name I knew of at least.
  3. 8 walks and a hit batsman?!? What - was he high?!?
  4. bbb

    Name This Person

    The Alphabet Killer
  5. Thank you. I've been trying to figure out how long it took because, of course, every video I've seen stops after the 2nd cop says No, and then calls the medic.
  6. bbb

    Name This Person

    Good thing I never smile!
  7. A lot of feet in that video
  8. Yeah. I meant that as a joke.
  9. He's not a hippie. He's a peace activist. From Buffalo News breaking email: BREAKING: Meet the man police pushed to the ground during protest in Niagara Square The protester who was pushed to the ground by Buffalo police Thursday night in front of City Hall in a video seen by more than 11.5 million is a longtime peace activist from Amherst. Martin Gugino, 75, was in serious but stable condition at Erie County Medical Center as of Thursday night, according to police. "He’s a gentle person who really believes that he must stand up for what he thinks is right," said his friend Terrence Bisson, who has worked with Gugino on Latin American issues through the Western New York Peace Center. "That’s why he went to the demonstration. He would never resist physically any kind of orders," Bisson said. "He’s a bit frail, not because of his age. He has some health problems." Gugino grew up in Buffalo, moved to Cleveland where he worked in computer technology, before returning to Western New York where he has been involved in a broad array of issues ranging from nuclear disarmament to climate change and Guantanamo. He has a YouTube channel with 35 subscribers in which he discusses such issues.
  10. bbb

    Name This Person

    Any idea what that thing is on her face?
  11. That and "cannabis"
  12. Mattis said this: Mattis took particular issue with the use of force to move back protesters so Trump could visit St. John's Church the day after it was damaged by fire during protests. Several different groups, including the National Guard and the U.S. Park Police, were involved. Can somebody tell me what the real story is. I think I read on this forum that this was a bunch of crap? I haven't been able to keep up and somebody just PMd me on FB with this Mattis article and telling me how divisive Trump is.
  13. bbb

    Name This Person

    Maybe she was on the Vanilla Ice version.
  14. The kid from Deliverance is a chick?
  15. Did Morticia have a dumpy ass?
  16. This is disgusting.
  17. Well, Lebron is hunted every day.... That spells it out perfectly.
  18. This is what makes me so crazy/depressed/outraged/etc etc about this whole thing..................It's based on nothing. This killing seems horrific. I've seen white people killed by cops seemingly just as horrifically...............And, then if you day All Lives Matter, you're a racist. If the numbers really showed that blacks get killed disproportionately, this stuff would be more legit.
  19. That's exactly what I meant.
  20. bbb

    Name This Person

    Mario Andretti
  21. McDermott corrected me above. I didn't realize it was the first year of the new rule. I can't believe that first MNF game ever didn't sell out in advance of 72 hours!
  22. Their commercials claim that their fans vote for it...........One DJ kept saying and you listeners "help" us make the list............All the DJs kept saying they have no vote - unlike the fans. I think they're all full of crap............it's probably some kind of thing that's been researched, etc. and spits out numbers.
  23. News Alert May 29, 12:11 AM Protesters in Minneapolis breach police precinct on third night of demonstrations over death of man in custody People were gathering in cities across the country to protest the death of 46-year-old George Floyd. In Minneapolis, where Floyd died, a hundreds-strong march demanded that four now-fired officers be arrested in a case that has generated nationwide outrage. The protesters set fires outside the precinct and ran through the empty facility after police fled the scene. Read more »
  24. What? That makes no sense.
  25. Then how do you know it's dumpy (well, other than her being 70something)
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