I had had XM only for a long time, and wasn't getting Howard. This summer, I got Sirius, as well - and started listening for the first time since he went to satellite.........I would listen to On Demand interviews.
I couldn't believe how annoying he had become on the interviews. He would ask a leading question, then the guest would start answering it and he'd interrupt and go on a tangent. I can see once in a while, but it was all the time now.
The leading question part was the most annoying part. He'd have some half cocked theory about something and I bet half the guests would just say yes as like an improv class would teach you to not say No.............But, I'd be glad when the guest would flat out say NO...........Something along the lines of "Steve Miller - it's true that you hated Boz Scaggs, right?"
I had read later that since the NY Times or the New Yorker had come out and said that he was the best interviewer out there, that it had gotten to his head, and he's not the same in that regard..............As well, as what you guys are saying - my favorite stuff back in the day would be him ripping into the pretentiousness of Hollywood, etc. stars. His ball busting was hilarious.