I have a 7 or 8 HP Ariens from the 70s (whatever was the highest at the time, because my father believed that Buffalo winters needed the biggest snowblowers).
I'm not handy at all, so every year, I have a company pick up my snowblower and get it ready for the season. Tune up, I guess - and replace the gas, etc.
It costs me 140 (but I felt damn, this thing has been good for 40+ years, why stop doing what I've been doing), and I was told that was stupid today - because I can buy a new one for about $400.
I just googled to see how true that was - and found out that mowers and snowblowers no longer are measured in HP............so, I have no idea how to compare - anybody have any idea what a 7-8 HP Ariens would be equivalent to in today's models?