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Everything posted by bbb

  1. Seems legit to me. I think Hammer would be better off looking into his liability and possibly buying some liability insurance if that's what's needed. It's the cost of doing business.
  2. I'd like to see these.
  3. Got it.
  4. Go to the Big Four doubleheader on Saturday and make it a triple-header!
  5. There couldn't be a more generic name than Mike Smith, either.
  6. You can pay Verizon for a code to see numbers where the caller made it private?
  7. That's the only acceptable answer!
  8. Why would this ever be the game you chose?!?
  9. I agree with everything you have said here..............I hate those lazy columns by Bucky, etc. or even when my friends say things about - we could have picked X and instead we got Y. And, I am not happy with the return on all the prospects and picks that GMTM was given.
  10. Gotta love revisionism.
  11. Haha - yeah, weird how that worked out.
  12. I miss the days when the Sabres top two lines were the same the entire time I was growing up!
  13. Turned out their younger sister was the hottest one in the family:
  14. She's got to the best looking Trudy left in the world.
  15. Why is it that every woman does this?!? Do they not see that there is now no way to use the trash can?
  16. Thanks! So, it would cost me probably $1200 for a comparable one to what I have now. Exactly! This one was working during the Blizzard of '77 and probably before. My father also bought a Toro in between - he took care of my grandmother's house, too. That one came after and is long gone. Crazy that this thing is 40+ years old and still is great.
  17. I have a 7 or 8 HP Ariens from the 70s (whatever was the highest at the time, because my father believed that Buffalo winters needed the biggest snowblowers). I'm not handy at all, so every year, I have a company pick up my snowblower and get it ready for the season. Tune up, I guess - and replace the gas, etc. It costs me 140 (but I felt damn, this thing has been good for 40+ years, why stop doing what I've been doing), and I was told that was stupid today - because I can buy a new one for about $400. I just googled to see how true that was - and found out that mowers and snowblowers no longer are measured in HP............so, I have no idea how to compare - anybody have any idea what a 7-8 HP Ariens would be equivalent to in today's models?
  18. Now that whose retired? Are you stoned?
  19. They were just in the Pac 12 championship this weekend
  20. I pay attention to this thread because I really want SU to come to Buffalo because it helps business. On page 3, I thought this was a sure thing. WTF.
  21. Did you read the same article that I did? This was the headline: Rex says 'communication could have been better' after Charles Clay's absence Sundayand the rest pretty much supported it, except for that half hearted remark by Rex that you quoted.
  22. If Brady or Montana didn't start their Super Bowls, I think things would have went way different. If Charles wasn't at this birth, nothing would have went different.
  23. Exactly. I see not one person responded to my Ben Zobrist post and link.
  24. Van Halen's early stuff was great.
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