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Everything posted by bbb

  1. I hate both ends of this spectrum. No way to be in the middle, huh?
  2. This is exactly what I said after reading all about it on Monday and then finally listening it on Monday night late.
  3. Ha - who knew that we'd have to turn to the Batavia Daily News to get the truth!?!
  4. Thanks for the info.
  5. I was listening to the presser and thinking holy crap, these guys are talking about when a phone call was made or who said what to who like it's the Senate Watergate Hearings or the Nuremberg Trials - as if any of this crap really matters. Oh, the humanity!
  6. I've been saying that we have had more talent over the last 3 years, too.
  7. Is this based on a true story?
  8. Just listen to John Clayton on his weekly GR visits. These guys don't know crap about the Bills.
  9. Jeez - who is this guy now? I follow a few Bills blogger types and I'm not even sure which one is road sodas guy..........i can't keep up with this anymore.
  10. Exactly. The part that disappoints me is all the people who buy into this media crap.
  11. First I've heard of the AJ Smith thing. For some reason, I thought he had died.
  12. I listened tonight to the press conference on demand on GR's app....................What the hell. I must live in another universe - if people think it's Whaley coming off looking bad and not the jerks at the BN. Over and over with the same questions. How he kept calm and collected, I don't know. Then, to show how much the media influences everybody, Bulldog started his show (listened also to this stuff on the app) kind of skeptical that it was that it was really bad that as they were making it out on twitter, because he had listened to part live. Then, I listened to the last part of his show, because Sal was coming on to talk about his interview with Kim, and now Bulldog was in the whole tire fire mode. BN writers tweet this, people on twitter believe it without listening, call into Bulldog and then he's a different person in the three hours in between the two things I listened to...............He's pretty pliable with Schopp, too, so it figures.
  13. I've never blamed the media in the past for the Bills woes, which have been way more years than good years. This current media wants it all to be about them. You said exactly what I was trying to say!
  14. Great post! I think the only guys who I would be in the Kelley/Felser class are Mark Gaughan, who unfortunately for Bills fans (and fortunately for my Bonnies) moved over to college sports, and Tyler Dunne, who you could tell was not long for that Popsicle stand.
  15. Because of their union, they will never be fired.
  16. I've been arguing with a guy who watched NFL Network the entire day, but didn't know this? I didn't know he was the OP
  17. So, they said nothing. Great! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. Thank you. I thought I was losing my mind with this nonsense..........Great point on Belichick.
  19. I've got work to do so I'm chained to my desk and computer. What was the reasons given by any of these teams?
  20. So, answer my question - what other team has a press conference to spell out why they fired a coach? They fired him because he sucked - and the quote is always "we're going in another direction." 17 years has nothing to do with these guys or what I am talking about.
  21. What stepping stone was Buffalo for Tyler Dunne:
  22. How does that make one bit of difference to my point?
  23. Exactly! And, I've been asking people and nobody has an answer - when do teams come out and spell out the reasons for firing anybody?? We're going another direction!
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