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Everything posted by bbb

  1. Maybe the doctors have to do that to keep their averages right. You always see the guy saying "I was given 6 months to live - and now look at me - 8 years later!"
  2. They haven't done nearly as much as Sully, Bucky and Timmah have done for Buffalo! Wouldn't it be nice This is exactly it! Yup. It used to always be Ralph is cheap, Golisano is cheap, etc..................Now, they've saved the Bills, transformed part of Buffalo, spent money like crazy - and somehow still suck, per some people.
  3. How about bringing Donnie Henderson back??
  4. The affect/effect thing is the one grammar spelling thing that I give up on and can care less about. I also think most people know the difference between their, there and they're but when typing fast the mind just grabs one. That one I'll catch myself on all the time...............Affect and effect, I can't be bothered to even think about it anymore, much less look it up so some grammar nazi doesn't come after me.
  5. Well, it's not like schizophrenia is really going to effect your life or anything.
  6. There's actually an article about this year vs. last year on espn.com but it turned out to be an insider one so I couldn't read it.
  7. I hear you about the next four, which I did not know, but what was their record last year at this time?
  8. Exactly - you'll never have a health problem again, either.
  9. This thread is how I get my SU info. By page 3, I figured this was the best team since the mid 70s Hoosiers teams............Then, it became the gang that couldn't shoot straight.............Only in the last week or so to be revived like the Packers and Steelers were this year. Now, they lay another egg. They aren't coming to Buffalo, which is what I am interested in, that's for sure.
  10. You should probably cut down on your drinking a little.
  11. IIRC, Joe Theisman had those of us watching on TV thinking that it was a forward pass, for sure. I thought it was until the replay and then I could see it was on a straight line. I was so hoping I was wrong and Theisman was right.
  12. Yeah, if you like knock knees He actually was really good with Larry Felser on Monday Evening Quarterback in the 80s and 90s.
  13. I guess it's the "code" so it would have to be done...............I HATE the code.
  14. The Christians stole The Prodigal Son from the Pagans' story of The Particle Sun.
  15. I'll bet! At least you have company when they come into town. Seems like a lot of Canadians wearing Sens jerseys at those games. I really hate that, too. If it's a dirty hit, I'm all for having to pay for it. But, a clean hit - that's BS. WTH - Laine should be suspended for this!
  16. Are you from the Binghamton area? Seems like a lot of people there follow their Sens to Ottawa.
  17. Actually, it reads like a Who's That?!?
  18. Definitely kudos to this. Especially that last paragraph. These asshats are at least fun and games. The important media has blood on their hands.
  19. McDermott interview is just to satisfy the Rooney Rule
  20. Same here. I really don't think the people complaining took the time to watch or listen to it.
  21. And, if he did criticize them in public, the Sullys of the world would be saying "Who would come to Buffalo when the GM throws them under the bus!"
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