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Everything posted by bbb

  1. Uh, you got your scorecard mixed up. More sarcasm?
  2. Odds are 50/50
  3. WTF - McDavid already has a dorm named after him. We got screwed by the lottery!
  4. Nice loss. 2 spots in the draft order.
  5. Crazy! You're believing all those Facebook moms' comments!
  6. They can sell smallpox blankets in the gift shop
  7. Yes to the nth degree on the first part. It's Fakebook. I will see these perfect families and what not - and then be with them that same day while they fight and argue like there's no tomorrow. And, no - not everybody is beautiful - and nobody looks the same at 54 as we did at 20, so shut up!!! I LOVE that quote! I have been thinking about it. There are less than 5 people that I like more now that I am Facebook friends with them. There's probably 100 that I like less. And, has anybody ever liked anybody more because of their political posts on Facebook? Even if they are on the same side as me, the meme's they post are beyond stupid, almost always with false information that anybody with a brain should be able to see.
  8. Takes the heat off them?!? What?!? They couldn't have put more heat on themselves if they tried. Everybody hated the fact that they let a person email in about this. :wallbash:
  9. I can live with that. I was going through a worse case scenario where the Patriots moved to Pembroke to be the Pembroke Patriots. I'd have to root for them over the Batavia Bills.
  10. I will never be a fan of the Batavia Bills. Pembroke is my line in the sand.
  11. What are you talking about? Nobody emailed?
  12. Good luck trying to explain it to the switchboard operator.
  13. The weird thing for me was back in '93, I was flying to Boston for the Bills-Pats game. Polian didn't fly with the team and I ended up sitting next to him in the airport when our flight was delayed. He indulged me for at least an hour, talking football. At one point, he said that kid Faulk at San Diego State - he is the real deal................And, then 5 or 6 years later, he has him, and trades him away right away!
  14. I heard Steve Sands on Tony Kornheiser the other day say something that I've always wondered. He said "I work for NBC and the Golf Channel - and I have no idea what the phone number of email is, how do these people always get through?!?"
  15. I didn't hear her say she was worried about his safety, only hers.
  16. The thing that was pissing me off is that the interviewer was giving the cop the tough questions, and the sister of the deceased softball questions...............Finally, when she mentioned that she would get things on twitter about why didn't he comply, he said Well, what about that. She gave some total nonsense answer that didn't answer the question whatsoever, and of course he let's her skate with no followup...........And, she's going on about he committed no crime. His SUV was in the middle of the street, that's all...............Is that legal - to leave a car in the middle of the street running and abandoned? Blocking traffic. This was one of the few where I thought the cop was really in the wrong. Until tonight. Now, I'm not so sure. WTF didn't the guy say a !@#$ing word. He just keeps heading to his car.............I saw some black guy post over and over on twitter tonight saying how it wasn't the guy's fault - he was high on PCP - and they often can't hear things.
  17. That is true. No need to reach for a Williams. Especially when you can have somebody named Stanley "Boom" Williams. I want this guy!
  18. I want them to take Williams, only because we've let a few guys named Williams go, and we need to get our count back up.
  19. What's a decent price for Ms. Friedman? Asking for a friend.....
  20. Bruce Springsteen
  21. Ha - that was my first thought!
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