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Everything posted by bbb

  1. The subject line reminds me of this strange ad campaign from the 70s
  2. For anybody who is a fan of the Bonnies or college basketball during the Lanier years, Tim Graham's huge article back in December was an all time great read.
  3. It seems to me that he hasn't been to any Pro Bowls, much less All Pro. Where would you rank him in the league?
  4. bbb

    Name This Person

    I've heard her on a few podcasts and she's got a great personality - really funny
  5. Wait, there's a TPS and a TH3?
  6. They always say if you're within 0 points of the playoffs by St. Patrick's Day, you are 100% going to make them.
  7. No heartbreak of psoriasis there.
  8. bbb

    Name This Person

    Adam looks like Otto Graham
  9. Why is Bob posting in the pandemic thread when the answer is in here?
  10. But, a whole bunch of people on my FB timeline think it's hilarious how they all went into crowded bars, etc. yesterday. Can't people not go out for one friggin weekend, when everything else is totally shut down??
  11. bbb

    Name This Person

    I think the worst high school picture ever of her was chosen. And, she's better than most women in their 50s.
  12. Do you work from home?
  13. Is she white or black. I know this is No White Woman (sic) 2020
  14. It was not spun well on twitter. These are the top tweets: Mr. Chris Hain #TrumpPressConference recap: 1) Trump incoherently thumps his chest, 2) lady holds up a poster nobody can read, 3) a bunch of companies get free advertising while making money off the virus and not helping their employees, 4) Pence slathers Trump in praise Ryan Knight @ProudResister · 13m This parade of corporate CEOs at the #TrumpPressConference is ridiculous. I want to hear from scientists, doctors, and lawmakers. I want to hear that every American will receive free testing and paid sick leave. This moment is about putting PEOPLE OVER PROFIT. #NationalEmergency Lizzie Finn @QueenZenobia6 · 29m Not a press conference. It's a parade of white men kissing Trump's ass. Groveling sycophants. Obama never needed people to feed his ego when the country was panicking & in national crisis. #NationalEmergency #sycophants #TrumpPressConference Mayday Mindy @maydaymindy9 · 13m Listening to trump trying to sell us a truckload of ***** that we need private sector is only because trump hollowed out everyone of our agencies exactly to let his buddies make millions #TrumpPressConference However, the DOW went up 1400 points in the last 20 minutes of trading, if you care about that sort of thing.
  15. I saw this, and was like Wait, I posted about Patrick Moran - then I saw the date!
  16. bbb

    Name This Person

    Jay Leno
  17. it was a weird year. VCU not only had the wheels come off. Their car blew the eff up!
  18. Well games, not quite meaningful I know! I said something similar in the Bona thread that I'm glad now the team has had the wheels fall off the last few weeks..........Just thinking now - a fanbase as good as Dayton is going to be screwed. This will be their Bob Lanier year, thinking they definitely would have won the whole thing.
  19. bbb

    Name This Person

    So, who is the backup singer?!?
  20. bbb

    Name This Person

    What's going on with these?
  21. Finally, something good has come out of the Coronavirus!
  22. Damn - tournament is cancelled. Season is over! Now I'm actually glad the wheels were coming off the last few weeks. If they had been on a roll, I'd be fuming and thinking we're cursed in WNY!
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