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Everything posted by bbb

  1. There are two competitive bicyclists on another board I'm on. They are two of a kind - and the most narcissistic egomaniacs I've encountered long term on the internet...............Is that a coincidence?
  2. Probably. They only wore them on the road, so right there that record was probably pretty bad.
  3. What's this about the Washington Post and ISIS?
  4. IIRC, it was to punk the Cowboys, who wore/wear white at home and on the road. A rare game where they had to wear blue.
  5. It was the first year of the red helmets. Didn't work as well as planned.
  6. Actually, it was Talley's second year. That's a lot of snow on the ground and heavy clothing on the fans - for November 14th!
  7. True. We should vet these people better, so they don't need jargon when they get in their fields.
  8. I'm used to the word now, but when these things start, they drive me nuts, too. You never heard anybody say it in that way - and then every channel you turn out, they are saying optics! Same thing happened in 2008. Never heard the word vetting. Then all of a sudden - Sarah Palin wasn't vetted! They go from not being a word to being used by everybody overnight. As you said, we already had a word - appearances. Why do we need optics?
  9. Try finding out how much federal money goes to Meals on Wheels. I tried figuring that out when that was the outrage of the day.
  10. Rita Hayworth Betty Grable Lauren Bacall The Andrews Sisters
  11. There was a commercial on during the Pens game last night, and I think it's so creepy how they try to maintain a smile for 5-10 seconds. It drives me nuts, and I said God, go away!................And, then I saw this news!
  12. I read a while back, IIRC, that the Pegulas were really trying to get the game, for the 10th anniversary, and it would work great with the Juniors game being set up already...............And, I think the NHL didn't give a crap - because they know that Buffalo watches the NHL so much, anyway - and it's not big enough to make enough of an impact in the national ratings........I guess this was the door prize.
  13. How important would you say the 1.5 cigarettes is to this regimen?
  14. WTF - this is the all time hot for teacher story - and it gets two responses and sinks to the bottom.
  15. She might be off the radar, but holy **** she is smoking hot at 49 years old.......I followed her on twitter, until I couldn't take her politics anymore.
  16. He's 15, she's 40. Now, he's president and she's first lady: http://nypost.com/2017/04/24/emmanuel-macron-married-his-high-school-teacher/
  17. No, it's not. But, the poster above this one buys into this crap.
  18. Exactly. As you probably know, these big brokers are called aggregators. The teams are taking all the tickets from small brokers or just people selling off games, and they sell them to these aggregators - so that it's not a free market and the team/aggregator sets the market as much as possible. It's such a scam that the writer doesn't write about it - and therefore we have four pages of people saying things in line with "victory for the little man" when in fact it is just the opposite. Here's a Bucs season ticket holder who had his tickets taken away, without warning, for selling on the team's ticket exchange. http://www.abcactionnews.com/news/local-news/season-ticket-holder-upset-bucs-revoked-his-tickets I've been to the World Series and the NBA Finals because of it. I never thought I'd be doing those. And, I never thought I'd go The Masters or Lambeau - but those are on my list now.
  19. Kilborn was on Bill Simmons' podcast last year. Holy crap - he's nuts. He can't stay on topic. Sounds wired out of his mind..........Just goes on a tangent after a tangent after a tangent. I've never heard a podcast this bad: https://soundcloud.com/the-bill-simmons-podcast/ep-98-craig-kilborn
  20. I'm so sick of trying to sift through crap to try to find out the real deal on things. All these posts in my social media feeds about rape, etc. - and all I knew was that it was wrong without even knowing anything.
  21. I was just thinking that there hasn't been much violence, etc. coming from BLM lately: Black Lives Matter is rethinking its strategy in Trump’s America, leaving streets nearly empty after recent news about controversial police shootings The massive demonstrations that followed police shootings of black men in recent years have been noticeably absent since the election. Members of the Black Lives Matter movement say they were stunned by Trump’s victory and have grappled with the role of anti-racism demonstrations at a time when political threats to other groups — immigrants, Muslims and women — have gained urgency. As a result, the movement’s efforts have entered a new phase, one more focused on policy than protest. Read more »
  22. I've been really busy the last few days and don't have it in me to read through a bunch of garbage in order to maybe finally get to the truth. So, can somebody tell me what is being talked about on social media - about rape being a precondition?
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