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Everything posted by bbb

  1. That sucks that they folded. During the tank years, all I kept reading about was all this talent in the pipeline...........Any chance that Elmira will get another team soon? I think Binghamton folded but got the Albany team right away in the AHL.
  2. I remember Dazed and Confused being totally spot on - but thinking that I really never have to watch that again. I don't remember it really having much of a plot.
  3. Something about this I really like:
  4. I had thought the Pegulas bought the Elmira team a few years ago. I guess not?
  5. Damn, you're right. In my defense, it was all in a one room school house, so it gets a little blurry.
  6. Gone with the Wind
  7. Hillary did a remake of Cum on Feel the Noize - and won Grammy
  8. British prime minister raises nation’s threat level, saying another attack 'may be imminent' after Manchester suicide bombing Theresa May announced that military personnel will be deployed to replace police officers in guarding concerts, sports matches and other public events vulnerable to potential terrorist attacks. The raising of the threat level followed an attack at an Ariana Grande concert Monday night that left 22 people dead. Read more »
  9. Thanks. I figured the Bills had the Miami Muslim market cornered!
  10. Well, at least Carradine died doing what he loved!
  11. Where are you located?
  12. So am I. Nobody ever could have committed suicide according to family members. How do you know it was suicide and not auto erotic asphixiation?
  13. Trump's speech must have been good - I saw nothing on social media about it.
  14. They still make Mad magazine?
  15. No, the thing about Sully is that he is an unbelievable prick.............I don't even mind the negative articles about the Bills, etc. (although the anti-Pegula agenda, I do hate).............But, he can be writing a column about the US Figure Skating team and I guarantee there will be a jab a Buffalo team in the final paragraph.
  16. He's going to be employed by the News no matter what - because of the union.
  17. I know Rex Carr. Decent guy..
  18. Didn't you like Gordon LIghtfoot until he became a terrorist?
  19. Wow - she really hasn't done anything - no credits on imdb since 2002. I'm not sure why - but I always mixed her up with Jennifer Jason Leigh.
  20. Downey has been for a long time.
  21. I had that feeling.
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