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Everything posted by bbb

  1. Did Cal Peterson participate in this camp the last three years?
  2. This post is 110% great!
  3. Best answer is the first comment showing: Halo 4Me The Cyclist has the right to the entire lane in Tennessee. Take it up with the legislature not the cyclist. Both the truck and the hit and run driver were clearly passing in a no passing zone. T.C.A. §55-8-175(a)(1)©, permits a cyclist to take the entire right-hand lane when a lane is substandard width. National standards state that a lane must be fourteen feet wide to allow a motorist and a bicycle to travel safely side by side within the lane. The majority of roads in Tennessee have substandard width lanes, thus a cyclist may lawfully take the entire lane, rather than being restricted by the provision that cyclists must “ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.” However, §55-8-175(b)(1) states: "Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not ride more than two (2) abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles. Persons riding two (2) abreast shall not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic and, on a laned roadway, shall ride within a single lane." Tickets for both driver and cyclist! Personally, I hate cyclists that bike on narrow roads when there are thousands of bike trails to accommodate them. Lesson to cyclists: the law of the road will protect you, the law of physics will not. F = ma (force = mass x acceleration). Newton’s Second Law of Motion: “The force acting on an object is equal to the mass of that object times its acceleration.” In layman's terms, bike and cyclist go to ground when struck by vehicle. Newton's Fourth Law deals with gravity, concussions, friction, road rash, and **** like that.
  4. I like the first answer better!
  5. Why do you have kids in quotes - what are they really?
  6. This is exactly what I think, too!..............I was going to reply to dev's statement that I am a fourth - I've seen it, I got it, at first I thought this is going to be one of the greatest comedies ever, and then I got bored with it after a while. Because of exactly what you said - the premise and opening are classic, then it falls apart. I LOVE Beavis and Butthead - and I think Mike Judge is more suited for shorter bursts than full movies. Come to think of it - I thought the B&B dragged after awhile, too.
  7. Have you used it instead of morphine for pain?
  8. Get rid of him. He's a bust!
  9. Deep Throat
  10. Hasek didn't emerge until Fuhr got hurt.
  11. Like this?: Texas authorities charge 24-year-old woman for the deaths of her two children found inside a hot car last month outside the family's home WEATHERFORD, Texas (AP) — Texas authorities say a 24-year-old woman has been charged in the deaths of her two children who were found inside a hot car last month outside the family's home. Deputies in Parker County in North Texas say Cynthia Marie Randolph initially said her 2-year-old daughter and 16-month-old son locked themselves in the car, but acknowledged to investigators on Friday that she did so on May 26 to teach her daughter a lesson after she found the two playing in the vehicle. Temperatures reached the mid-90s that day. Randolph faces two first-degree felony counts of injury to a child causing serious bodily injury. Authorities say she told them she left the children in the car, smoked marijuana and went to sleep. http://wnyt.com/news/authorities-texas-mom-left-2-kids-in-hot-car-as-punishment/4524233/
  12. Exactly. And, I know there's always a rest of the story. I always find it when I have the time to look into it...........Which usually I don't.
  13. Why else would he be smoking pot?
  14. He was too stoned to think of that.
  15. And, in local news: Wilson man admits smoking pot before fatal Porter collisionhttp://buffalonews.com/2017/06/23/wilson-man-admits-influence-pot-fatal-porter-crash/
  16. I did the same with drinking. I don't know why they make such a big deal about drinking and driving.
  17. This one is even hotter: http://www.barstoolsports.com/boston/grading-the-newest-sex-scandal-teacher-50/ Unrepentant mugshot again:
  18. How'd he going to hold it up?
  19. Thanks. Good info. Again, good info.
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