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Everything posted by bbb

  1. I just want it to make sense.
  2. How do you come to that conclusion with this statement?: Opioids and THC in combination offer comparable pain-relieving effects compared to opioids alone.
  3. I'm not arguing that. I'm arguing the logic that you pulled out of the article. It could say I drank water along with opioids and the result was the same as opioids. So, therefore, drink more water for pain.
  4. Why'd he sit? I thought that he was supposed to be playing great.
  5. So opioids plus pot = opioids. I would think the conclusion would be that the pot did nothing.
  6. God. I hate the media. And, I used to really have so much respect for it. I heard this part of the interview. First he was talking about upgrades for the arena. And, when pressed he said something about the mayor and he are talking, but he doesn't want to do anything through the media. Then, somebody asked about a downtown stadium..........And, he said something like he's not even thinking about it. There's plenty of time. The state made great improvements to the stadium and we're enjoying them. Why would we move right out after these upgrades? The lease isn't even up until 2023. Then some dbag asks Well, what about the out clause in 2018? Terry said what I thought - What, where are we going to go? (Obviously there is no time to have a stadium ready by then). And, either the same dbag or another said "Another city" and Pegula wasn't even thinking that and just "Oh, no" It wasn't even a thought at all - you could tell. That turned into: Asked about an out clause that is triggered in 2018, Pegula was pragmatic. “Where are we going to go?” he said. For now, nowhere. Eventually, however, that could change."
  7. John Stofa
  8. The crowd wasn't cheering during the national anthem. They were singing it at the top of their lungs - and out of nowhere came tons of flags...............It was the most stirring thing I've ever seen and I have never been able to see more than 3 second of so clips of it since I was there. I've always wanted to see that again.
  9. Did I read somewhere that the winning teams gets $2M?
  10. I think that's the first time I ever blew out of my voice, if it's the right game. Johnson went for 4th down in his own territory and the crowd went nuts. That was unheard of then and just seemed like the most arrogant thing for the most arrogant guy to do...............My voice has never been the same.
  11. The best is Hellman's period.
  12. I can't figure out what this tournament is either. Dion Wright, Bona grad, is playing for VCU.
  13. This is the correct answer.
  14. Yeah - I don't know if the 25 straight years of being stoned caused the mental problem or if it was there already.
  15. Some guy on another board was saying he wouldn't be impaired to drive an hour after smoking a joint. I said: You better be impaired an hour later - or buy some better ****. His answer: Please. I'm smoking high quality medical grade cannabis. I've been smoking since 1981 and I've been a daily smoker for at least 25 years now. I would say I smoke an average of 5 to 6 joints most days. THC and CBD are present in my system in fairly high levels which increases tolerance for the chemicals. I may not smoke an entire joint in a sitting. Sometimes I'll smoke a third or so, then a bit more in an hour, then the last of it a bit later on. In a case like that, sure I'm high for several hours, but if I just smoke until Im stoned then stop, I'm clear in about an hour. This was at some point after I made the observation that the people I know who are the craziest angriest anti Trumpers also seem to smoke the most pot - and this didn't make sense as I thought it was supposed to mellow you out. This guy is the angriest of the angry.
  16. The Holiday Showcase or at least whatever is there - also got hit by a tornado in 2007. I was on the Thruway shortly after, and it was all jammed up...........Weird that it was the same place getting hit in basically the only two tornadoes in 20 years.
  17. So, I saw Jesse Williams is on the speaker series schedule at UB this year. So, he's parlayed this crap into a 2nd career.
  18. If your state had a team in the Big Ten in 1980 or if you are in Missouri - that is the list.
  19. From what I can find, it looks like Biscuit had 17 tackles, 4 sacks and 3 forced fumbles vs. the Eagles.............It's almost like we would have been better off not seeing that game - and knowing what he really could have been the rest of his career. He should have at least been a HOF player with that talent. And, yeah - that first game vs. Elway was soooo much fun!
  20. Anybody know the top 10 performances on tonight's show? For defense, I was thinking about Biscuit's final game of his rookie year - and I think the guy's name was Damian Covington - he had a monster game - then the next game went down with basically a career ending injury.............and, then got killed a few years later.
  21. This is exactly what I was thinking. My last moments on Earth - and I'm going to be getting texts from people I never even knew? WTF
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