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Everything posted by bbb

  1. Aren't you the one who never knows anybody, and I'm supposed to know who the !@#$ Jose Eber is?
  2. I agree with you 100%. I disagree with you 0%
  3. The craziest baseball game ever!
  4. LOL - best comeback I've seen in a long time!
  5. Love the big nasty redhead.
  6. Bartman would have been happy with his ball, too. They asked the guy who threw it for a quote and he said "!@#$ the Dodgers"
  7. He dropped so many passes in his last year here it was ridiculous. We used to joke that he was concentrating on his Christmas special. And, then the next year he was with the Eagles and dropped one to blow a game against the Dolphins. Still killing us a year later.
  8. Yeah, that guy and the blonde with him were way too excited for a Dodgers home run while wearing Astros gear. That guy who took it and threw it did the right thing! But, a lot of people on twitter were saying what a jerk he was for doing it. They don't get it.
  9. After watching Kyle and McD in the locker room last week, and then the celebration of a mere first down by Tate this week - this team really cares about each other. Something I thought was dead in this league.
  10. At the beginning of the game, John Murphy said "How cold is it? It's so cold that Ed Hochuli ISN'T showing off his biceps and has long sleeves on. That's cold!"
  11. This is exactly the question I was just wondering. I think we were 4-0 when I made a bet with somebody on here for something like 500 bucks. It was either that the Bills wouldn't make the playoffs or wouldn't be over 500. Something like that. I just thought they were doing with smoke and mirrors. When, they got to 5-2, I thought I was going to lose the bet and I was very happy about that. Then the bottom fell out. I don't know exactly why I thought what I did then, and somehow think it's different now, even though this 5-2 is also built a lot on getting turnovers............But, I think GunnerBill may be onto it.
  12. This is exactly the way I feel. Somehow, I knew what was going on better, too, when it was half an hour of news. Too much noise to get thru now, I guess.
  13. It's too bad that rock stars never smoked pot. A lot of them died young, and it all could have been prevented.
  14. Haha - same here!
  15. What would you tell people about how you are so rich?
  16. I just have one question for the hockey experts
  17. Did someone leave the Wapo sports dept in the last 6 weeks or so?
  18. LOL at Kelly the Dog's reply that magically disappeared!
  19. How about shills for neither side - in the friggin sports page?
  20. I literally walk outside. I take walks - a lot of times late at night. Last year, I was stopped by the cops 4 times in a month, which included 3 times in a week, and twice in two nights. Apparently, you shouldn't be walking during the day around medical facilities, either - because in the last week, I was stopped and hassled twice for walking around them - by security guards. If I were black, I would be blaming all this on being black, even though both times in the last week, the security guards were black. But, I'm white, and yet still hassled at a crazy rate - I thought this wasn't supposed to happen?!? Where is my white no hassle card?
  21. Did he sleep with anybody? It seems that every story I've read - he tries some sort of massage or shower gambit and the woman leaves.
  22. I hate "we have a long way to go"
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