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Everything posted by TSNBDSC

  1. Nice work ! However, Epenesa or Fulton for me at 22 for what its worth.
  2. Why keep kicking this thing down the road and all the drama that comes with it. Build a new one and be done with it.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZU0SksrjmI Unrelated_stuff_not_the_pixie_guy
  4. https://www.buffalobills.com/video/every-buffalo-bills-touchdown-2019-season
  5. Sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers.
  6. Heart healthy. I learned my lesson
  7. Nothing to see here. Thanks for posting though.
  8. Early spring is the time to do your first application of pre-emergent herbicide. For post emergent https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&ei=KJYrXpjbJ-a3ggf13oDwDw&q=scotts+post+emergent+fertilizer&oq=post+emergent+fertiler&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0i13j0i13i5i30l3j0i8i13i30.89635.99900..102556...0.2..0.170.2634.1j21......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i273j0j0i131j0i22i30j33i160.THZxl4vmtxY#kpvalbx=_mJYrXpzOJO6kggfa64zwAg4
  9. https://www.tmz.com/2020/01/23/antonio-brown-arrest-assault-moving-truck-hollywood-florida/
  10. Sorry for your loss. Maybe it's as simple as theres nothing you can do down there now regarding legal stuff but your more than welcome to come down for services, burial, etc. Communication is the key. Good luck !
  11. FYI Don't play hero ball with pain. Its a lot easier to maintain as prescribed than try to knock it down when it gets severe
  12. Happy New Year ! Great to be here !
  13. Dont mind the thread hijacking Nice to hear good stories of friends losing weight and what not. Healthier lifestyle is fantastic ! We all gotta be around for awhile to watch the Bills in the Super Bowl for years to come !
  14. Go big lol ! Mighties and wings will do that to you
  15. Back home ! Feel like I got hit by a truck lol. Doing well. Pain pill shortly. The more I walk, etc. the better I feel. Do nothing except walk for 4 weeks. No driving, lifting etc. Physical therapy at 5 weeks. Will evaluate me then to see how long I have to go. Legs are swollen from all the stuff they did. Walking and keeping them elevated helps. Got this thing attached to me that's superposed to help the healing around the sternum. I plan on living a long and healthy life ! This is a blessing and second chance ! And BTW, the Bills are winning Saturday ! Again, thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers ! you guys got me through this ! Tom.
  16. Doing well ! 5 bypasaes and a AAA procedure. Going home Monday. Out if work for 8 weeks. Thanks to all for your prayers and good wishes ! Post more when I get home. Go BILLS !
  17. Will be in there for awhile they say. Three days ICU, 5 days private room. At least I can stream Netflix LOL
  18. You guys are really helping me get through this thank you !
  19. That's what I hear. Feel good about it. Plant diet hear i come lol !
  20. Heart is strong so I should be OK. Post you guys when I'm done !
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