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Posts posted by TSNBDSC

  1. ... my wife has a DSL connection through Bell South ... if she doesn't access the internet after a certain time, she has to re-boot to access ( "page cannot be found" ) ... it's like how AOL boots you off ... is it a setting on her XP or at the server ? ... thanks and happy new year to all ... tom

  2. ... guess the local media ( who ripped the Bills during thier lousy start - and well deserved i might add ) don't like it when the "tables are turned" a bit ( Mike Williams / Bryany McKinnie ) ... Chad Pennington doing the same to the NY Media ... you have to be able to take what you dish out ... don't be so thin skinned and take things so personally ( like your family was disrespected ) ... that being said, GO BILLS !!! ... COWBELL BABY !!!

  3. what the hell is that top process and why has it been there so long?  How do I determine what it is and if it is bad - how do I kill it?


    last pid: 55970;  load averages:  1.46,  1.44,  1.40  up 12+07:54:09  18:35:17

    139 processes: 2 running, 137 sleeping

    CPU states: 30.2% user,  0.0% nice, 69.8% system,  0.0% interrupt,  0.0% idle

    Mem: 307M Active, 668M Inact, 264M Wired, 776K Cache, 199M Buf, 761M Free

    Swap: 1020M Total, 23M Used, 996M Free, 2% Inuse



    22744 www      61  0 58920K 12364K RUN    127:49 77.83% 77.83% httpd

    25992 mysql      2  0  152M 86736K poll  154:25  7.42%  7.42% mysqld

    22820 www        2  0 59076K 11648K accept  0:31  0.88%  0.88% httpd

    22755 www        2  0 59192K 13120K accept  0:34  0.78%  0.78% httpd

    22801 www        2  0 59064K 12516K accept  0:30  0.78%  0.78% httpd

    22778 www        2  0 59068K 11528K accept  0:29  0.73%  0.73% httpd

    22812 www        2  0 59136K 11592K accept  0:34  0.59%  0.59% httpd

    22757 www        2  0 59116K 13176K accept  0:33  0.59%  0.59% httpd

    22752 www        2  0 59096K 13276K accept  0:30  0.59%  0.59% httpd

    22760 www        2  0 59104K 12568K accept  0:29  0.44%  0.44% httpd

    22797 www        2  0 59072K 14372K accept  0:33  0.29%  0.29% httpd

    22763 www        2  0 59072K 11808K accept  0:31  0.20%  0.20% httpd




    ... ??? ... you computer guys are too much !!! ...

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