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Posts posted by TSNBDSC

  1. ...cut grass low ... rent a power rake from home depot (4 hours, 40 bucks) ... run power rake east to west and or north to south ... run lawnmower to bag grass ... overseed ... lay down straight fertilizer (no weed killer) ... water, water, water ... in two weeks or so you shold be rocking ... when i use to power rake i tore the sheep out of the lawn (looked like heck) but it got all the bad stuff up and out and it ariated (spelling) the lawn at the same time ... do it earlier next year though (april or early may) ... good luck ~! ... tom

  2. I seem to recall something like that happening to my wife's car years ago.  The owner's manual mentioned that there was something by the gear shift that I could move with a screwdriver to "re-activate" it.  I don't remember the details though...  I think I had to remove some cap, then use the screwdriver to turn a dial in there and then things started to work.  I asked my wife, and she doesn't remember any more info than I already posted...


    Might not be very helpful, but hopefully it gives you something to look at.




    ... thanks ! ... while the sun is still out I'll go and take a peek ! ... tommy

  3. ... wife has a Ford Explorer ... all of a sudden the vehicle won't shift out of PARK ... no leaks anywhere ... no trannie type problems beforehand ... can move the steering wheel from side to side ... feels like it's "locked" in PARK ... google came up with a "shift interlock solenoid" solution ... thanks ! ... tom

  4. ... have tried through the internet options ... through hijack this also ... just reformatted my computer and it keeps going back to it's default setting which is aol ... did i lose something when i cleaned it up ? ... something missing in the registry ? ... thanks, tom

  5. ... thanks to all ! ... need to invest in a REAL spare ! ... hate driving around on those emergency tires ... you gotta love seeing people drive around on those emergencys like it was a normal tire ! ... especially at 55mph on the thruway ! ... thanks again ! ... tom !

  6. ... i recently reformatted my computer and need to import my favorites from my backup hard drive ... instead of exporting them through the ie wizard, i simply made a copy of them ... now i'm having problems importing them back because they're not "bookmarked" formatted ... how can I work this ? ... thanks ! ... tommy

  7. ... it seems that a dominant, impact DT takes a year or two to develop ... outside of Richard Seymour, I can't think of a DT that has had an impact in his first season ... if Vernon Davis is as good as they say, I say draft him and sign a guy like Ted Washington for your DT ... sounds kinda like the Chargers when they drafted Kellen Winslow when they needed defence ...

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