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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. No they are not. It will never happen because of the first reason. But if the first reason were overcome and they kicked off at 7pm GMT they'd sell out, multiple times over.
  2. I don't have a link I can send you but I have seen it and multiple people I talk to have too. Sure he can rush the passer. But he doesn't play the run at all and he tries when he wants.
  3. Yea. I think Burrow is better off script than Purdy and certainly than Goff etc, but I think compared to the other guys we talk about in the elite conversation he is weaker there. He is the probably the best in the league purely from the pocket though.
  4. I don't think it is besides the point. I think it is exactly the point. I'm not here lauding the Bills pass rush. I'm just saying Ngakoue is not the answer.
  5. And what chance do the US have of winning the World Cup?
  6. Exactly why it wouldn't work. That's 11pm here. Wherever you have it - Wembley, Tottenham, Olympic Stadium... you can't get people out and home / to hotels at 4am. Yep. They'd sell out. Absolutely no problem. Within minutes.
  7. Yea Khan has won three mayor victories and three pretty comfortable ones at that. London is a Labour city. Always has been. Boris broke the mold but he is the only Conservative to have won the mayoralty since it was introduced. That said, while the Conservatives were in power nationally it suited them to have a Labour mayor. They ran Zac Goldsmith who was a credible candidate but way too rich the first time against Khan but they have run two utterly hopeless fruitcakes against him the last twice. It suited them to have him there as a bogey man to try and pin transport strikes and police #### ups and infrastructure overspends on. With them about to get pulverised in the General Election and the likelihood of at least a decade out of power I suspect they will try and run a more credible candidate next time. But even if they do it is still an uphill battle for a Tory to win London. So Khan could be around a while yet.
  8. I mean we have given you two world cups in the last 30 years whereas the home of football hasn't had one since 1966! Whereas you lot can only just kick a soccer ball. I saw Diana Ross try.... The Superbowl winners call themselves "World Champions" do they not?
  9. I mean he just won a 3rd landslide victory in the Mayoral election. Yep, mid June trooping the colour. I know because the brass band rehearse up and down under my office window for a month beforehand and it has begun! Yea you get Strongbow less now than you did. The hipsters prefer the trendy Irish bottled ciders but if you can find a proper decent old style boozer you will get it.
  10. It won't happen. I think the time difference is a limiting factor here. Realistically the latest you can kick off to get it all in and get people out of the stadium and back to their hotels etc is about 7pm. That's 11am Pacific time. Do the NFL really want a Superbowl kicking off then? Of course Sadiq wants it. He is the Mayor of London and it would bring in a chunk of revenue. I might be biased of course but London is the greatest city on earth IMO, it just isn't the right place for the Superbowl.
  11. The market for the proven thing, decent not great, #2 receivers like Gabe Davis is, and will continue to be, teams with QBs on rookie deals.
  12. I have told this story before, but my grandad was Czech, fought in the Polish army in WW2. He was captured by the Germans and put in a prisoner of war camp but managed to escape and make it to France where he was hidden by the resistance and eventually made it to London after the war. He eventually met my grandmother, they married, had kids (including my mum) and then at 61, just before I was born, my grandad had a massive heart attack and died. My grandmother would still go back to Poland and Czechoslovakia (as was) every few years to visit his family and in the early 90s was in a shop with her friend in Poland, overheard English speaking voices and got talking to an American brother and sister who themselves had family history in Poland and were back researching it. They ended up going for dinner, became friends and in 2002 we visited them in California where they now live for a family holiday. It was August and there was a Bills pre-season game (Lions, who else) on the TV and despite living in Cal they were from Buffalo and the guy is a huge Bills fan. So my dad (who had watched bits of the NFL when it first came to British tv in the 80s) and I sat down with a beer to watch the Bills game with him. I was hooked instantly, from a single, pretty ropey pre-season game. In those first few years as a student about to go of to university watching the games was impossible so I'd just follow the scores online. But in 2006 or 2007 Yahoo had a link up with the NFL and did an international streaming service. It was ropey as hell, buffered all the time, and the picture quality was terrible... but I subscribed. Then after a year the NFL took it in house improved the service and developed International GamePass and I think since 2008 I have missed one regular season game (Saints in 2013 under Marrone because I was at Wembley watching the 49ers instead).
  13. Goff is as bad as Tua in genuinely "off script" situations and I say that as someone who has always argued Jared Goff is underrated by most football fans. I think the difference between Goff and Tua isn't "off script" so much as it is "beyond first read." If a play totally breaks down they are both stuffed. But with Goff that only happens really if you get early pressure. It is why being in Detroit behind the best bookend tackles in the NFL is perfect for him. With Tua it happens if you can take his first read away and make him get to his 2nd or 3rd read. He doesn't process quickly enough to do that and at that stage the play is basically broken and he is in trouble. I remember that game in Buffalo early last year and those first two drives Tua actually made a couple of nice plays in that situation where the Bills were right there and just couldn't make a play on the ball. I said then in the GDT - "he won't make those plays all day." And after those first two drives he didn't. The Bills did. And they won in a canter.
  14. Yea he had 1,000 yards as a rookie without Hill opposite him. He was well on his way to #1 receiver status in any event. Of course Josh Allen being our Quarterback is the reason Waddle isn't our receiver. I do think Beane has under prioritised the position in the draft with his Carolina method of valuing receivers but it is a fair point that he makes that a lot of the studs that have come out in recent years have gone way up at the top of the class, as Waddle did indeed.
  15. He is from the Shanahan school. They don't believe in QBs as field generals. They believe their scheme is the star. Get talented playmakers and get a QB who will paint by numbers. The problem with that approach is your path to victory is narrower and as Shanahan has found twice to his cost when the game is on the line in big moments having an elite Quarterback is preferable to an elite scheme.
  16. It was both offense and defense that sucked in that run from Jacksonville to Denver. The Jags game (painful, I was there) they couldn't move the ball almost at all until the game was done. Our first nine drives we had two that went for more than 20 yards. It was abominable play calling. I actually think the defense kept us in that game longer than it had any right to given they were undermanned going in and then lost Milano and Daquan within the first drive. The Giants game the offensive gameplan was mystifying. Our best player was clearly James Cook and Dimwit Dorsey kept ignoring him and passing or running old man Murray. The Patriots game the offense was woeful first half but I put that game almost entirely on McDermott. He called an absolutely shocking game on defense. Jones was clueless except when we blitzed him and he could get to his hot so we spent all day blitzing. Baffling. Tampa, Cincy and Denver were a both units just playing uneven at different times. I'm not sure what was going on in that run of games but for a team as talented as to Bills to play that poorly for a 6 game spell really is inexplicable.
  17. They both did it at the end of their careers. Revis was 29 when he left the Jets the first time. Floyd played for two teams before 30. Ngakoue is 29 now and is looking for a 7th team in 6 years. The skinny on him has always been doesn't play that run at all and tries when he wants.
  18. What you claim never happened. Maybe you have us mixed up with other people. I have never shied away from bad takes I have had. I hated the drafting of Josh, I was wrong. But the idea that last season I compared him to Tannehill.... it never happened. There is a search function on this website. The evidence doesn't exist.
  19. I don't think that helped. But it was mainly on Josh IMO. He made too many bad decisions and threw too many poor balls. The good news is he seemed to snap out of it a little bit down the stretch but we need a more consistent Josh Allen. Because when he is on - I go back to that Miami home game - he is simply unstoppable. The Bills need him to be on more consistently in 2024.
  20. I thought it was Josh's worst season as a passer since 2019, period. I think Josh Allen has to be better in 2024 than he was in 2023 for the Bills to win the division again.
  21. I don't remember that but if you have never heard the character issues with him I'm shocked. Why else do you think a reasonably productive player is looking for his 7th team in 6 years?
  22. It didn't happen. You are spouting nonsense. We've done the searches for you. Saved you the bother. You are making it up.
  23. No because he is a poor character who tries when he wants.
  24. When? I have no idea what you are talking about but I have searched for mentions of Tannehill by @Beck Water in the last year and found one where she talks about the Titans potentially looking for a trade partner for him if Levis looks good last camp. In terms of mentions of Tannehill by me over the past year there are two: 1) last summer when I was sceptical about the value of Hopkins signing for an ageing team who were being surpassed by younger teams in their division and 2) in the Live Day 1 Draft thread of 2024 where I likened McCarthy, Nix and Penix going so early to the early 2010s drafts where Ponder, Tannehill and Gabbert types went early. So you will need to provide some evidence of this claim.
  25. It got to the point for the Pats where their fans would openly admit the season didn't really begin for them until Thanksgiving. That was partly the way Bill coached too. He'd experiment a lot early on. Especially offensive line and defensive secondary he'd often roll through 6 or 7 different combinations those first 8 or 9 weeks. Then he'd kind of lock things down and the team would kick on from there.
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