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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. If they are not going to increase his snaps then signing him to a new deal was a mistake. AJE can rush the passer. It is everything else he struggles with. Maybe that means his snaps don't go up but I don't know who else plays? It will be very apparent very quickly that they can't roll Von out there IMO. Kelsay never could rush the passer and was also starting and playing a very high snap count. I don't think the two are at all analogous as players. I repeat I think AJE will lead the team in sacks this year. Reasons being he will have to play more because there is nobody else and they will have to simplify what they ask from him and allow him to just pin his ears back and rush.
  2. I think he is a very good offensive coordinator which possibly makes up for some of his leadership flaws as a Head Coach.
  3. I agree with every word of this save for Pittsburgh's QB situation. Russ sucks. Their best hope is that they figure out he sucks early and put Fields in and let him run.
  4. Do the fish have a good D? They haven't shown it. Better offensive weapons and a cleverer coach for sure.
  5. Agree they are both on the hotseat. They are at the stage where I think a winning season but no playoffs wouldn't save them. It is post-season or bust. And if they go say 10-7 on the back of a decent year by Rodgers but are blown out...... well given ARod isn't coming back in 2025 by most reports then there is the potential that would still result in firings.
  6. I did the numbers two summers ago and the Bills were in the top 3rd of the league in ST resource allocation... we were 6th or 7th from memory. What was interesting about it was almost all the top teams in the league were in the top half of the ranking.
  7. Yes, Jones and Matakevich are the two we have had who really had no role other than teams. Otherwise Kumerow, Lewis, Neal, Sherfield etc have all had roles as backups.
  8. I think AJE will lead the team in sacks. I think he is our outside best pass rusher unless Solomon really surprises. I can see AJE being in your 8-10 range and the three players listed still being under 20 combined.
  9. Yes but in the playoffs he barely played defense. He was paid for his gunner skills. He wasn't as good at it last year though, no doubt. If last year proved anything it eas how good Taiwan Jones was.
  10. Which further explains why it is justified.
  11. I'm afraid there is a barrier for many. It is a pyschological one caused by and reinforced by years and years of behaviour. Sports still appear to lots of gay people, particularly gay men, a place that is not for them. A separate league that makes clear it is for them is part of breaking down those psychological barriers. Of course in an ideal world it wouldn't be needed, but despite all the progress in the last 40 years we remain a long way off an ideal world. And hetrosexual people presuming that we do because he discrimination is far less overt than in the past and therefore homosexual people can just assimilate in all areas of life without a problem is somewhat ignorant. You got nudes? I'll give you an honest opinion...
  12. Yes it is more an issue in mens sports than women's sports. That has always been the case.
  13. Again, see my earlier post. LGBT sports leagues or teams are crested because even though gay people can just walk up and join any existing team or league in practice they often do not feel comfortable doing so. So yes, those are the "real reasons" that such leagues are created.
  14. I mean it is literally one news article on the Bills website announcing a link up trying to drum up awareness for potential players and sponsors. They are not saying "oh and boyst must come and watch while wearing a pride flag and a feather boa" or "you won't be allowed into a Bills game next year without proof you participated in a gay flag football game." It is one post on a website. If that is too "in your face" that's a you problem.
  15. I've already explained the flaw in this argument.
  16. I'm right between 2 and 3. I think 7-10 is the range.
  17. It is not in the USA but I am only 40. My 20 years finished like 18 months ago and I have gay friends who are younger who still don't feel comfortable to do so. And there is no "in your face" about this. To argue so is just silly.
  18. That, with respect, is your experience as part of the majority. As I say, I played and then coached in standard soccer leagues (semi-pro and then amateur) for 20 years, but it isn't accessible to a lot of gay people and just because there are gay people to whom it is doesn't change that.
  19. Yep completely agree. They'd still have been a very competitive team. Might have one division title fewer and a couple fewer playoff wins. But Kirk is a good QB and the Bills have been a very fundamentally sound, well coached, well built football team. The ceiling would just be a lot lower than with Josh. EDIT: I'll add this as well, 3 or 4 of the drought teams make the playoffs with Cousins as their QB too.
  20. The point is it is a flag football league that is specifically appealing to gay men who might not feel comfortable otherwise signing up for some other flag football league. Playing in standard soccer leagues never bothered me but I would be slightly guarded when deciding which of my teammates should know that my partner is a man. But for some gay people actually sport can feel quite a hetronormative, inaccessible field and so badging it as an LGBT league or whatever breaks down those barriers allows people to feel they can get involved. Even if there are non-LGBT partipants as well, it is that feeling that this is something that should hold no fears for you.
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